Out in the Mountains Classifieds Continued from page 23. on the third Friday of each month. For more info. call Ernie at (802) 863-9684. TRAVEL Lesbian Paradise! With 20 charming rooms, 100 mountain acres, heated pool, hot tub, hiking/skiing trails, yummy break- fasts, peace and privacy. Highlands Inn, Box 118VT, Bethlehem, NH 03574. (603) 869-3978. WANTED Art exhibition space needed. Artist/gay activist looking for solo exhibition space in Vermont. Slides, resume and exhibition record provided upon request. Contact Steve Dunning, RR1, Box 2289, Man- chester Center, VT 05255. (802) 362-4139. Submissions Sought. for a collection of pieces about how young gay/bi men deal with HIV, safe sex, AIDS anxiety, etc. Men aged 25 or younger who are out are asked to send in pieces for consideration by June 1, 1993 to Wyane Hoffman, PO Box 26042, Arlington, VA 22215 V washingtonnc APRIL 25,1993 cur @ Nluwfiio DON’T MISS THIS ONE! Calendar April 1 Queen Lear, an April Fool’s Performance by Janice Perry aka GAL. 7:30 pm City Hall, Burlington. $12-$14. Sponsored in part by Burlington Women’s Council. 3 Lesbian Line Dancing 7pm. Join Wom- en of the Woods in Plainfield. Call Holly or Cheri at 229-0109 for more info. Chiltem Mountain Club Open House for New Hampshire residents. Includes a beginner hike. Call Mike (603) 644-7658. MCC sponsored group meeting for Fel- lowship/Friendship, Bible study & prayer 7-10 pm Christ Church Presbyterian UVM-Redstone Campus, Burlington. (802) 899-4442. NH Pride Auction and Dance at Pat’s Peak, Henniker, NH. Viewing at 7pm fol- lowed by auction at 8pm, followed by dancing until 1 am. Free admission to auc- tion, $6 for dance. For info or to donate items to auction call (603) 595-1589. 2-4 Singles Weekend Highlands Inn, Beth. lehem, NH. Meet, mix and mingle. Cal] (603) 869-3978 for more info. 7 Lesbian discussion group Concord Fen inist Health Center, 38 S. Main St. Con- cord, NH. Topic: The Corporate Lesbian For more info call (603) 225-2739. AIDS Information Day at the Vermont Statehouse. If you’d like to participate, cal the Vermont AIDS Council At 229-2557. 10 Chiltem Mountain Club goes Spring Skiing at Killington, VT. All levels. Call Mike (603) 644-7658. 12 Vermont Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Pride Day ‘93 needs you at this organizational meeting. 7 pm Burlington. Call Sara 864- 1820 or Leah 864-6764 for info and loca- tion. Make it happen!! COMING OUT? /be ‘ gwaamr ’ Hrxl/I/J Ofaz Need help with family, Friends, Group and individual sessions For women. Insurance and sliding lee accepted. Call Nancy Des Rault, MSW, CSW work, sexuality? at 985-3315 GOLDEN THREADS a contact publication for lesbians over 50 and women who love Q10. Box 60475, Northampton, MA 05401- 0475j V older women. Canada and u.s. Confidential, wann reliable. For 5 ‘H free infomration send self-addre$ed envelope; ' u aw’ (U.S. residents please stamp it). Sample oopy & mailed discreetly, $5:O0 U.S. funds. k Therapeutic Massage V Certified Massage Therapist " 802-864-0903 -. Member VT Massage Guild 2% Graduate Florida School of Massage Gift Certificates/Slldlng Fee Scale Pamela Gale Burlington, VT 24 4