LESBIAN V GAYV BISEXUAL PRIDE Y WEEK ’93: WHAT'S OING ON! THE WEEK (JUNE 19-26): - Gay and Lesbian Film Festival at the Savoy Theater - Locally—produced theater production - The Flirtations, Sat. June 26th at the Flynn Theater - Boat Ride on Lake Champlain - Other events being developed THE MARCH (JUNE 26TH): - Floats, marching band, contingents. - Out, loud, display of pride! THE RALLY (AFTER THE MARCH): - So new, so fresh, we can't list it here. fi"'7'T"7'*'-—I|"%*_=' - Music, comedy, entertainment and more P R ' D E ' 9 3 -John Calvi, musician Ride with Pride The Pride Committee will be sponsoring buses fiom around the state to bring /aerdx of queer: and t/Jeirfiienafs to Burlington on fune 26t/J. W7e need local area coordinators for t/Jis.’ Call: 864-6764 or 223-3557 Order Your Vermont Pride Shirt Illow! wear It In Washington In April . ' 3 U l .2 and Burlington In June! 6 E T I N V O L V E D ! ! ! . Boy one for yourfavorite flatlander! 1 - Organize a contingent with l your friends, co—workers, Name ? family, community 2:3“: gm, zip ‘ - Become a bus coordinator ' phone Size: M I L I XL I XXL (circle one) - Create a float - Share ideas for speakers or performers __ Shirts at $15 each (postage incuded) 5 Addltlonal Donation to Vermont Pride Day 5 Total Enclosed 5 . Makechecks or money order: out to: D°“9"°d by Aim" Bechdel Vermont Pride Day '93 . Vermont Pride Day festivities wil be June Return to: Vermont Pride Day '93 26th in Burlington. Plan a float of COMM‘ P. O. Box 1752 gent. Join the marching band. Get involved! Burlington, V7 95402. 1752 C5" 3°2'352‘575‘ f°' '“°" '"'°‘ Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery. Call 864-6764 or write to Vermont Pride'93 P.O. Box 1752, Burlington VT 05402 I E i l i - Join the marching band E E -L _________________________________________________________ _...l _ T -6-