Out in the Mountains Leave it to The Good Hands People to come up with a great IRA. It’s hard to find a retirement savings plan with better fea- tures than an Allstate “Cash Developer” IRA. For a computerized print out of what Allstate’s IRA can do for Y°“ Call” 863-3808 Ellen Heatherington 130 Prim Road Colchester, VT 05446 /|||SlalB® Allstate Life Insurance Company Plan described is the Allstate Flexible Premium Retirement Annuity. Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Film Festival Planned for June ‘93 in Montpelier Larry Wolf Focus on Film is planning a Lesbianl Gay/Bisexual Film Festival at the Savoy Theater in Montpelier for June 18 — 24, the week before Pride Day. Sponsors in- clude Out in the Mountains and the Les- bian/Gay/Bisexual Alliance of Goddard College. The Festival planners hope to schedule as many as ten films for the week, with two films each evening and a special late night feature on Friday and Saturday nights. The Festival will feature independently made and otherwise rarely seen films. The following film titles are very ten- tative and intended to get people think- ing, they are not a commitment to show these films. Documentaries, such as Voices from the Front (about AIDS ac- tivism), Last Call at Maud’s (a history of San Francisco’s famed lesbian bar); features, such as Together Alone, Swoon, Mala Noche; classics, such as l s l i 1 Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Children’: Hour. There is the possibility of getting the Canadian film Salmonberries, staring kd lang. 3 The Festival has received a grant from the Green Mountain Fund for Popular Struggle for $3,500. While this grant is very generous, it covers just under half, the cost of the Festival. As a result, there‘ will be additional fund raising activities including soliciting for business sponsors and advertising in the program notes. If you would like to work on the Festival,j have suggestions about films to be shown, know of organizations which might contribute resources to the Fes-5 tival, or just want to pass on your com-, ments, contact Rick Winston, Andrea Se-§ roto, or Gary Ireland at the Savoy 1 Theater (229-0598, 223-0050). V 1 1 :‘i Successful Treatment of: - Low Back Pain - Neck Pain - Headaches - Shoulder, Arm and Hand Pain - Hip, Leg and Foot Pain - Arthritis - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Commitment to our Community is Not only are we committed to helping our community get and stay healthy, We are committed to quality personalized care of your musculoskeletal problems. Our commitment is to you, because we know that a healthy Community is a strong community. The New England Chiropractic Clinic ‘. Dr. Laura A. Ramirez _ _ 217 South Union Street - Work Iniunes Burlington, VT 05401 _ - Family Care . persona] Injury - Payment Plans Available and more_ ,_ - Insurance Accepted Call for an appointment... 862-6488 I