Out in the Mountains Domestic Partners’ Health Insurance Covered by Addison County Group Cleland Selby The Counselling Service of Addison County (CSAC) provided the domestic partners of its employees with health care benefits a month before Ben & Jeriys’ in- itiated a similar policy. Each organization did so over a year ago without any of the public outcry which the City of Burlington has experienced over the past few months. Holly Clook, personal manager for the CSAC stated “We like to think we were there early on. We feel that domestic part- ners should have the same rights as mar- ried partners, and this was one way we could make that happen.” The CSAC es- tablished specific criteria to define “do- mestic partner” based mainly on the cri- teria used by the city of Santa Cruz, California. According to Clook the employees at the Counselling Service were surveyed to de- termine their thoughts about the issue. Most of the employees were very positive about implementing the existing policy. Clook states that there are “not a sig- nificant number of persons being covered as domestic partners, probably less than five right now.” For the past year CASC has covered the cost for partners of em- ployees. “It has not been a real expense to implement this.” V Dykes To Watch Out For By Alison Bechdel Du> T mnrntw . ,» GREAT. ‘IHKF mew/o 5ve~ 5,1,, HA5 Mo 5&2»! Dmmr THECAU-LETTER} V '_ «J H? , —- - .- . 2'' HM BAD,(,LA Rice. DID THE DEMJER P217700 01' To mbt [M W1 CMSSIC '77 PICKUP oFTONI' '9 HI, BABE,’ Lwkwwo I Fawn LJHILE I WM DRIVING AROUND AFTEK wear ‘TRYING TO MPRES5 am hi ouk NEW $1/W10»! LJAGUNI )’fAH_ SHE SAID 1 WA; A 5HMEl£$$Ly MATERJALI5-n¢,CA.l.BoN /4ouom>E—5P&wuIc name, Anlb - IF I HAD AW SA/55 0F Sou/KL KEJPDVJSIBILIT7 I'D RIDETHE BU)’ OR, LETTERYE1, our Mu>un=e SAY} ‘mm’; M Wusk/AL. YEAH, um, LET’; Jus-r HOPE I DON'T GET 51/vi/\‘I'HETlC I'D Luv: Ta. yew, \nIHuA.To»Il.’ Fvmut, ALMo51 M MUCH 0.1 A LlTTlE uEI(.H1 Agcmkica. 5on5 VMTMHJ Ev€-/ ' : . '_ 69f SYMP/tTl9€1'lL - . Mo/We SICKNESS. um saw seems you , Moudb A La‘! unfit ELLE‘ TUFEL. Ru/«OK HA5 IT I ' you're Au men! A ' ‘ -. \f; r HELL, MT:/ALL7 :1)’ \,NDEafi;L! rm HAPFIEK ‘NM NE (802) 878-5600 BUS., 878-0096 FAX (800)488-5609 BUSINESS Partners in Growth & Recovery, Inc. AHEIABEHOFTHE SEARSFNANCML nerwoax (802)862-1375 RESIDENCE cggpweu, JACQUELINE L. MARINO ".""‘°" " REALTOR‘ Erica Marks M.A. S.A.C. A.C.H. Giita Clark, M.A. Sherry Hunt, M.A., A.C.H. r COLDWELL BANKER _ , _ _ _ . ' M“ REALTY MART State Certified Addictions Specialist on Staff fig‘ : 22 MAIN ST- Sliding Fee Scale - Q ESSEX JUNCTION, VT 05452 An Independently Owned and Operated Member oi Coldwali Banker Residential Aflilietes, Inc. 182 Main Street, Burlington, VT 05401 ° 865-2403