VERMONT'S NEWSPAPER FOR LESBIANS, GAY MEN, AND BISEXUALS Volume VIII, Number 2 April 1993 Greg Knight, Senior Patrolman, Burlington Police Department I’m Greg Knight, and I have been a po- lice officer for the City of Burlington for over three years. Presently, I have been selected to work in the Community Based Police (CBP) unit. What is important to know about the unit is that it takes a po- lice officer out of the cruiser and puts him or her back on the street. These of- ficers are assigned a specific area of the community and become familiar with the various needs and problems indigenous to that area. It breaks down the walls that have developed between the community and law enforcement. It is in fact a return to the “old school” putting the cop back on the beat. During my three months at CBP, my at- tention has been called to the gap that ex- ists between the gay and lesbian com- munity and law enforcement. In several incidents, I have been unable to do my job because the person(s) involved were not comfortable talking to me as a cop. Leads cultivated have dried up because I have few contacts in the gay and lesbian community, and the stigma assigned to both_ law enforcement and the gay and lesbian _ communities makes any in- vestigation difficult. I would like to en- surethat the gay and lesbian community receives the same services that would be offered to any other. On March 4, the CBP unit had a pro- ductive interview session with Walt Zeichner. That interview appears in this ' issue of OITM. Walt and I will be dis- cussing a date for a gay/lesbian and po- lice forum in the near future. In closing I would like to express my ap- preciation to Karin Eade of Outright Ver- mont for setting up the initial meting, and also to those who attended for getting things moving. V ‘ A Police Officer for YOUR Community? Photo Walter Zeichner Clockwise from top left: Dave Scibek, Tim Ahonen, Greg Knight, Sonny Provetto (missing Robert Booher). Halftone courtesy Stats & Less, Burlington Burlington Police Reach out to Gay/Lesbian Community Walter I. Zeichner Monday, February 22, a meeting was held between two members of the Bur- lington Police Department and some members of the lesbian/gay community. The meeting took place at the offices of Outright Vermont. The Officers present were Greg Knight, who requested the meeting, and one of his fellow Com- munity Based Police Officers, Sonny Provetto. Also present were Karin Eade of Outright Vermont; Barbara Brody of the Burlington Police Commission; Lar- ry Wolf, Chair of Out in the Mountains; Tim Kane, UVM Community Service Coordinator; John Olson, HIV Educator with Vt. CARES; and psychotherapists Howard “Howdy” Russell and Walter I. Zeichner. One of the ideas that came out of the group is to hold a community meeting which would serve as a forum, to open dialogue between the police and the com- munity. All lesbians and gay men in Bur- lington would be welcome, and all of the five Community Based Police Officers would attend. One focus of the meeting would be to build an alliance between the police and our community so that people Continued on Page 17