Out in the Mountains Game Ends Social and activities club for men of the Northeast Kingdom. Changing events including board games, outdoor activities, bowling, speakers, movies or other functions. Call 748-5849 for more info., get on the mailing list, or sponsor an activity. Greater Central Vermont Area gay men’s support/social network is alive and welcoming new members. Weekly meetings, social alternatives, and net- working, etc. Contact Box 301, Mont- pelier, VT 05602 or call (802) 244- 1488. Lesbian poet/writer wants to form/join small group of Lesbian poets and writ- ers for critique and inspiration. 985- -4916. Middlebury Area Anyone interested in forming a Middlebury area gay/lesbian group, please contact Cleland E. Selby at 388-3729 (h) or 537-4101 (w). Meditation—G/Bi/Aware men also in- terested in meditation. Let’s be in touch. 482-3528. New Group Forming in Brattleboro for those interested in getting together to watch & discuss films, share a few laughs and meet some new (and maybe not so new) faces. In so doing we hope to build a greater and more unified sense of community in our lives. If you are in- terested on putting together another film night or would like information on up- coming films call Bruce at (802) 257- 5682. Leave a message and I’ll get back to you. PERSONALS Married lesbian in 30’s. desires to meet others who “understand”. I look for kind & gentle people who can offer support & friendship. Write: Support, (1)21 gox 473, East Middlebury, VT 7 . Single lesbian-identified bisexual,. mid-forties, feminist, divorced with grown kids, vegetarian. Enjoy out- doors, motorcycles, community. Inter- ested in woman with similar character- istics. I will respond to all serous inquiries. Your picture would be help- ful but is not essential. Write, Karen, PO Box 5604, Burlington, VT 05402. Woman lesbian age 36. 6’l” very manish seeks a loving friend for re- lationshi[. Could lead to more. Ienjoy the outdoors, fishing, walking, boating, camping etc. Country music. I drink socially only, don’t smoke. Please write to: Annie, PO Box 660, Milton, VT 05468. TRAVEL Lesbian Paradise! With 20 charming rooms, 100 mountain acres, heated 4‘ pool, hot tub, hiking/skiing trails, ym my breakfasts, peace and privar Highlands Inn, Box 118VT, Bethleha NH 03574. (603) 869-3978. Twin Gables Guest House Resm yourself in a quiet, pastoral setting wj easy access to hiking, canoing, skiill horseback riding and cultural events;c Dartmouth College and Woodstolg Reasonable rates and friendly hog S (802) 436-3070. s» WANTED Book Project, Brothers & Sislaq Write About AIDS Essays sent noliF; er than February 16, 1993 to Jan“ Kiely, c/o Boston AIDS COnsortiuiV 665 Huntington Ave., Boston, ll“ 02115 or call (617) 432-0885 for ma info. 1‘ s Art exhibition space needed. Arm 13 gay activist looking for solo exhibitil F space in Vermont. Slides, resume at 5 exhibition record provided uponn quest. Contact Steve Dunning, Rlli Box 2289, Manchester Center, l 05255. (802) 362-4139. '72! Oaffi Read OITM Monthly r II C GOLDEN THREADS \ a contact publication for lesbians - 1: over 50 and women who love C°m'n9 n older women. 1;; Canada and U.S. Confidential, warm reliage. for Need e-lp with family’ mend?’ work’ Sexuality? i V free information send self-addressed envellope' mdlwdual and group sessmns for women’ U . . ’ Some insurance accepted. '- ( fiédrzsrdents plea%eos3a§1;f) fig Sample copy ma‘ ‘s°'°°""' $5‘ ' ‘ ”” 3' Call Nancy DesRau|t, M.S.W., L.S.W. at 985-3315 K P.O. Box 3177, Burlington, VT 05401) ‘°' '”‘°'ma"°" Seth Ian Modclson The Red_ Cottage (513) 523-9753 Lak2c6g1fjd' NY°1*;~g4°g Therapeutic Massage 1,-c,,,,,,; Pamela Gale Massage‘ Therapy 1 Certilled Massage Therapist _: '._ " H '9‘ ll\.\, _. ~ ‘ 802-864-0903 Burlington, VT ‘ E"”g}' Balancmg Member VT Massage Guild K 1’ Graduate Florida School of Massage / } \ Gl/I Certificates/Slldlng Fee Scale _