Out in the Mountains Classifieds 0ITM’s Classified Section features items for sale, housing opportunities, services offered and the like. In- dividuals may place ads at a rate of 50¢ per word with a $5.00 minimum; busi- nesses at 75¢ per word with a $10.00 minimum. Subscribers to OITM may place free advertisements in any cat- egory up to six times per year. You place or respond to ads at your own risk; we cannot screen ads for le- gitimacy nor assume responsibility. To be considered for publication, ads must be received by the 1st of the month prior to the issue. Mail to PO Box 177, Burlington, VT, 05402. Payment must accompany your ad copy, and we must have your full name, address, and phone number (these will be kept con- fidential). ONFERENCES CGATHERINGS / 1993 March on Washington April 25, 1993. For more info. on how you can get involved with organizing contact Ce- lenia Toledo, New England Region March ‘93, 74 S. Huntington Ave. #14, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 (617) 566- 4296. 1994 International March on the United Nations June 26, 1994. Or- ganizing meeting January 15-17 in Dal- las, TX to help build the International March on the UN to affirm human rights of lesbian & gay people. Contact Steve Ault (718) 499-8984 or Nicole Murray (619) 528-5800 for more info. 1993 Golden Threads Celebration ‘ June 25-27 at the Provincetown Inn, Provincetown, MA. fro more info write Golden Threads, PO Box 3177, Bur- lington, VT 05401. 1993 P-FLAG (Parents & Friends of Lesbians & Gays) Covention Sep- tember 3-6, 1993. New Orleans. For reg- istration forms and/or info. call or write P-FLAG Convention Host Committee, P.O. Box 15485, New Orleans, LA 70175 (504) 523-3922 or (504) 288- 2332. EDUCATION Champlain College gay, lesbian, bi- sexual support group. Meets every Monday from 4pm to 5pm in Student Resource Center, located on thefirst floor of the Hauke Family campus Center.. Contact Becky Peterson at 658-0800 ext. 2605 for more info. Goddard College Gay Lesbian, Bi- Alliance holds meetings every Sunday night at 7:00 with a weekly film series following at 9:00. For more in- formation please contact Jennifer at 454-8311 ext.225. Lesbian Educators Meeting occa- sionally. Call Margaret at (802) 879- 6559. Lyndon State College gay, lesbian, bisexual support group, The Beacon. Call Mary Sue Kelly at (802) 626-9371 ext. 140, or write The Beacon, c/o Stu- dent Activities Office, Lyndon State College, Lyndonville, VT 05851. Johnson State College Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Group meets the first and third Thursday of every month from 6- 8:30 p.m. on the JSC campus in a con- fidential location. Students, staff, fa- culty & membersof the local res- idential community are welcome. We explore our lives on campus and in Vermont, see videos, discuss books, enjoy pizza and share a heartspecs. Join us. Call Jackie or Shelly at (802) 635-2365 ext. 424 or wirte GLB A1- liance, PO Box 29, Johnson, VT 05656. Marlboro Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian Group, Marlboro College, Marlboro, VT 05344. Networking/discussion group for les- bians, gay men, & bisexuals in high- er education in Vermont now forming. Contact Thelma Stoudt, STEP Learn- ing Center, Castleton State College, Castleton, VT 05735. FOR SALE Lesbian Erotica, ON OUR BACKSI FATALE VIDEO: Entertainment for the adventurous lesbian. Authentic, in- telligent, humorous, lusty. The nation’s best selling lesbian sex magazine and erotic videos. Subscription $34.95/yr (6 issues). On Our Backs/Fatale Video, Suite OM, 526 Castro St., San Fran- cisco, CA 94114. Send check, MO, or VISA call: 1-800-845-4617. GROUP ANNOUNCEMENTS Attention all bisexual, lesbian, and gay youth serving organizations: The United Church Coalition for Lesbian/ 20 /< Gay Concerns Youth Outreach Prograj is seeking to network with other youtl serving organizations and develop a m‘ tional resource directory. To ensm, your organization is included, pleat‘ send a one paragraph description at your organization’s address and phonf number to :UCCL/GC Youth Outrear Program, 18 N. College St, Athens, 0| 45701. Inquires call (508)755-0005. : 1 l 1 Alcoholics Anonymous double a; onymity group - for gay and lesbianl coholics meets every Friday. 5230]) Methodist Church, 71 Williams St. Ru land, VT. 1 Bi-amorous (Bisexual) womenll group forming in Montpelier for dis cussion, support, networking and fun Write to PO Box 731, Montpelier,ln . 05601, or call (802) 223-8904 for mu information. i Chiltern Mountain Club. Outdot 3 sports and recreation organizationfo gay men and lesbians. Steering con} mittee is Boston-based, but memba( ship is spread all over New Englanll Call the info-line recording at (611, 859-2842, or write to Chiltern Mom ] tain Club, PO Box 407-V, Boston, MI I 02117-0407 for more info. I L.I.L.T. Lesbians in Long Term Reg lationships. A monthly social gatheril of lesbian couples. Leave Message ft 1! Lupe at (802) 899-4442. Gay/Lesbian Alcoholics Anonymol meets Thursday evenings at 7 pm: St. Paul’s Cathedral, Cherry St., Bu lington. ._.>-u-I»-(IN--inn A Gay & Lesbians Over 50 Those int: 1 ested in the needs of gays and lesbial ( over 50 call Robert Zeuner at 658-513 for date & time of organizing meeting. 1! I Gay Fathers Connection meets ll 2 first Monday of every month from ll r pm at 321 S. Winooski Ave, Burling 5 ton. Call 388-3729 or 862-8135 ft more info. New members very welcom to attend. HIV/AIDS Drop-In Support Grou] F Wednesdays 1 pm-2 pm at Verma C.A.R.E.S., 30 Elmwood Ave, Burlifll ton, VT. Call 863-2437 or 1-800-645 2437 for more info. Integrity/Central Vermont ministry“ the Episcopal Church to gays and 16 bians and their friends, and, equally.‘ gays and lesbians and their friendsl the church. For info. Call Lauriell barthe at (802) 223-8962.