Out in the Mountains ‘£6 DESKTOP PUBLISHING GRAPHIC DESIGN TRAINING & SUPPORT Ifilll service I self senice I mac—pc file conversions I image and text scanning I laser printing I quality photocopies I fax services I great looking resumes I color slide presentations I mac training workshops I prtfessional, fiiendly sen/‘ice 187 St. Paul St. Burlington vT 802.863.1884 Marching Out-Right in 0.? Peter Thomas The April 25, 1993 March on Washington is getting closer and it's time to get excited. Not only will the March be a huge civil rights demonstration (over 650,000 attended in 1987 and 1 million is expected for ‘93), the days pre- ceding and following it will be filled with events that are sure to satisfy everyone’s interests. The following events are planned for Saturday, April 24; Wedding - Cer- emony of Commitment; Historical Exhibit; Student Conference; Drag Show Extravaganza; Texas Two Step Party; Bi National Gathering; Harvey Milk Memorial Unveiling; Mo- torcycle Run; S/M Leather Fetish Conference opens; Interfaith Service; MSU/GALA Reunion; The Purple Circuit - Theater Reception; National Minority AIDS Council Reception; Prisoner Proxy Project; Victory Fund Board Meeting; Lesbian/Gay Bands of America Concert; “Time to Shine” Day of Healing for PWAs. The events for Sunday, April 25 include Historical Exhibit; Lesbian Phy- sicians Conference opens; Opening Stage; THE MARCH; Main stage and rally. . Those who attended the 1987 March have described the experience as af- firming of gay and lesbian strength and pride because there was a sense of having taken over the city. The 1993 March promises to be nothing l 1040 u.s. InalvTaim |nconu~‘lh-:R:tTt.rn I-I. anozuvwl. —--. 02...... an... I». . Urn: nu...-u: lloa-an an I501 32 .- Filing Sta 0 Professional Service AX SERVICE, INC. nann- ° Reasonable Rates Exemution 5...... 0 Tenth Year in Business : Individual, Business, Partnership and Corporate Returns. Conveniently located I.I.'.....L in Burlington and Hinesburg. - . 863-2271 Our firm: is malzing tomploc IRS ruler understandable. Conveniently located in "=-’«—-'-‘-—"-€I.';1 Electronic Filing Available. Burlington and Hincsburg. 18 24:31! Wow meet some.’ INDEPENDENT TAX SERVICE 0% If you call 863-2271 by February I to schedule an appointment less. To ensure that Vermont is we represented at the March, Outrigl Vermont’s Fundraising Committe has chartered two luxury busesl travel to Washington. Bus #1 will leave Burlington on F; day, April 23 at 8:00 P.M. and wi return to Burlington on MODdflI' April 26 at 3:00 A.M.. The purchi ers of tickets for Bus #1 musta range their own accommodations ll the night of April 24. Bus #2 wi leave Burlington on Saturday, Apt 24 at 8:00 P.M. and will also retw to Burlington on Monday, Aprill at 8:00 A.M.. Both buses will stopl pick up passengers in Middlebm and Rutland, VT. The round-trip fat of $65.00 per person provides comfortable, VCR equipped, passag to an event you surely will not wan to miss and helps Outright Vermon . Call Outright at 865-9677 to resen F your place. For information about events at lodging, contact the event organize: at this address: March on Washing ton, P.O. Box 34607, Washingtol D.C. 20043 or phone (202) 628-049! Other upcoming events sponsoredl Outright VT are the Boston GI Men's Chorus in May '93 and II Prom on May 15, 1993. Ifyou woul like to help Outright with the Pro: please call Peter at 878-1123. V — OFF OUR FEE . IIIIIIIInnu-IInIIoI-InIIIIIIj"|-III