Out in the Mountains ACSW, CSW Ginnismn. MA Patricia Seehn, CSW Shoshana Simona, MA NancyDcsRault. CSW - Childhood Trauna 0 Women's Issues Communkation Problems - hcest Survivors 0 ACOA 0 Berealement _ -Adults, Adolescents, Children&CoI.ples the .i';m";ie2zr1eazz23’ci;/”r‘i'ces —, Slidin¢Sale; A 985-3315 Questions? Call the Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Youth Info-Line 1 800-GLB-CHAT Outright VT Youth Group Meeting Sunday 2-4 pm TELEPHONE (802) 524-9595 CAROL L. THAYER, M.D. FAMILY PRACTICE Outing in the Mountains ii Paul Olsen The debate over exposing closeted gays, lesbians, and, bisexuals has been a na- tional phenomenon since Outweek mag- azine outed businessman Malcom Forbes after his death in 1990. The outing of for- mer Assistant Secretary of Defense Pete Williams and U.S. Representative Jim McCrery by The Advocate and the adop- tion of this practice by supermarket tab- loids further contributed to the na- tionwide debate and press dilemma over out1'ng.z Consistent with this debate, the questions about outing and Vermont in- clude: 1) Is outing good for Vermont?, 2) Would outing help, hurt, or divide Ver- mont’s lesbian and gay community?, and 3) How would the lesbian and gay com- munity be viewed if it engaged in outing in light of Verrnont’s long history of tol- erance and respect for privacy?. Ethically, “outists” justify their actions by arguing that the exposure of fraud and hypocrisy of those in public life out- weighs potential harm to the individual. Revealing closeted people living lies is believed to increase the visibility of all lesbians and gay men and identifies role models for the community. The Advocate used this justification in 1991 when it concluded that as a gay man working at the Pentagon, Pete Williams was sup- porting a policy (the military ban) that oppressed lesbians and gay men. Similar- ly, the outing of Louisiana Repre- sentative Jim McCrery was designed to expose his dismal voting record and the hypocrisy of the Republican Party’s na- tional “family values” campaign. Those opposed to outing view it as a terrorist tactic that can destroy lives and violate an individual’s basic right to privacy. Ad- ditionally, they contend that the decision to share one’s sexuality is a personal one. Billionaire entertainment entrepreneur David Geffen, The Advocate's 1992 man of the year, describes outing as “wrong and unconscionable”. Lynn Goyette, M.S.Ed., M.A.C.P. Feminist Counseling and Psychotherapy Lesbian & Gay Affirmative V In light of recent victories made by thel bian and gay community in Vermont questions about outing are especially evant. How would the public view the lei C bian and gay community if it outed a 1 er or public figure? Some feel it woul“ damage credibility that has been eama5' through years of organizing, lobbying, an hard work. Acknowledging the frustratia the lesbian and gay community can f about closeted people not supportive lesbian and gay issues, Vermont H Rights Commissioner James R. Mor raised concerns over the amount of sonal distress outing can cause and gests that it might not help the lesbian and gay community in Vennont. Other peopl remain unconcerned with the perception)” of others and are angered by closeted man and women who actively work again“ strides made by the lesbian and gay com munity. Peggy Luhrs, Director of Burling- ton’s Women’s Council, is generally or posed to outing and prefers to encourag people to come out of the closet. Howeva she does support outing in cases of blatai hypocrisy and suggests it is very tiresom to have rich and powerful people remal in the closet. Is outing a useful tool to expand politia power, liberate everyone, and increase vi ibility or will it damage the credibilityo the lesbian and gay community in Va mont? Should corporate board member who vote against extending benefits to dt" mestic partners be outed? Should schol- board members who oppose gay positiv curriculum and safe sex education be ex posed as secretly lesbian, gay, or bisexuzl Should activists reveal the identity of Va mont Boy Scout of America member who support the BSA ban of gay mel Should lawmakers who vote against leg islation important to readers of Out in tl Mountains be forced out of the closel Will the lesbian and gay communityb helped, hurt, or divided by outing? In sum mary, is outing good for Vermont? Letu know what you think.V Individual - Couple - Group Work Rm. 3E 2 Church St. Vt OFFICE HOURS R. D. 2, BOX 1160 Richardson Place Burlington, VT BY APPOINTMENT FAIRFAX, VERMONT 05454 A 44