lPresident Charles 0. Warren, former UVM President and cur- rent Arizona State University President Lattie F. Coor, and I'former University of Wisconsin Chancellor and current "Health and Human Services Secretary Donna E. Shalala. Uni- Vversity of Vermont Interim President Thomas Salmon was ‘not among the signers of the ad. While the ACLU indicated that it had contacted Salmon, ‘Nicholas Marro, UVM's Director of Public Relations, stated "that President Salmon does not recall seeing the request. Mr. ‘Mano added that President Salmon supports President Clin- ton in his decision to rescind the military ban as evidenced by Salmon's signature on a private letter sent to Clinton by 67 university presidents on January 5, 1993. As other state col- lege and university officials were not contacted, no Vermont educators were specifically mentioned in the ACLU ad.V THOMAS L. PEAIRS Attorney at Law Domestic Partnership and Family Law 444 South Union Street Suite 3S (802) 863-4657 Burlington, Vermont 05401 FAX (802) 658-4293 March 1993 4&7: ROBERT W. ZEUNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Member National Lesbian and Gay Law Association Bauer, Gravel and Watson 362 Main Street Burlington, VT 05401 863-5538 ARANOFF ATTCDIXNEYS AT IJAVV UPSON SERVING TIE NEEDS OF TIE LESBIAN AND GAY COMMUNITY V Susan L. Aranoff Lisa A. Upson ram 23 MAIN STREET‘, MONTPELIER, VERMONT 05602 802.223.1418 PO Box 220 Hyde Park. Vermont 05655-0220 (802) 888-4l00 Office (802) 888-2977 Home VALERIE WHITE Humanist Minister American Humanist Association Namings - Weddings - Union Ceremonies - Memorial Services (802) 447-2110 BY APPOINTMENT \ / K \ DR. NANCY L. BURNS CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN « BODY MIND SPIRIT c 135 NORTH STREET (HARSCH ASSOCIATES BUILDING) BENNINGTON, VT 05201