the Reform movement that includes Gla- zier’s synagogue, has given a lot of thought to issues facing homosexual per- sons and has been highly supportive of the rights of homosexual people, in- cluding being openly supportive of the boycott of Colorado. Reverend Riggall, like his colleagues Kowalslci and Chasan, has given the issue a lot of thought. When asked if he has per- formed a union service he replied, “No, I have never done that I don’t think I’d be opposed to doing it.” He stated that often the Episcopal Church has been “noted for riding the fence on issues” and that prob- ably the local bishop would determine whether or not Episcopal ministers could perform “blessing the union” rites. At this time there is no local bishop. Like Gary Kowalski, Riggall wants “to argue for monogamous, committed relationships.” Essentially he provided a definition of a valued family when he stated that he thinks “the gay community has learned to be committed and to be caring as a result of being faced with the ADS epidemic. lt’s a wonderful model to hold up for all to see.” Like Chasan and Kowalski, he would support a secular law that would al- low for homosexual marriages. “And I’d try to be in the forefront of bringing my church into conformity with the law.” Reverend Kowalski says that on the issue of maniage he has become “more con- servative because I have a lot of respect for marriage.” He too believes that Ver- mont should have a law that provides the .. Out in the I Name Mountains VERMONT'S NEWSPAPER FOR-LESBIANS, GAY MEN. AND BISEXUALS I : By subscribing now to OITM, not only will you guarantee delivery to your : : mailbox (in a discreet envelope, of course), but you will also help under- : wrrt_e_the rising costs of publishing the newspaper. We also welcome any : additional contributions you can make to support our continuing existence. : Checks should be made payable to OITM and sent, along with this form, to: : OITM, P.O. Box 177, Burlington, Vermont 05402-0177. support for “long-lasting relationships that marriage provides. That’s the reason I per- form marriages for gays and lesbians.” Unlike Kowalski and Riggall, who con- sider gay and lesbian marriages to be within the definition of a “family unit,” the Roman Catholic Diocese of Burling- ton in its statement retains a more limited definition: “Underlying all our concerns is the basic disrespect our society dem- onstrates for the sanctity of the family unit and its importance as the bastion of hu- man relationships, teaching us love, loy- alty and the ability to live in peace. We cannot afford to discard or demean the family unit.” Without having consciously done so, the Burlington City Council and Mayor Cla- velle may have extended the definition of family when they created equal health care benefits for “domestic partners” of city em- ployees. In addition they may also have provided the forum for a much broader discussion of equal rights for gays and lesbians wishing to be granted the sec- ular rights of marriage which only the Ver- mont legislature can enact. V Patronize our Advertisers Address City Cl One-year ($20) El Low-income ($10) El Sponsor ($_____U_% Sponsors are especially welcome from those who prefer to pick up I M at one of the paper's distribution points rather than be added to the mailing list. : Cl Please also let us know if you'd like to get involved in the newspaper. M-93 State Zip ll March 1993 Submitting a Letter KB OITM welcomes letters to the Editor and will withhold your name or use your initials or first name only on request. However, we must have your full name and address for our files if we are to print your letter. Letters may be edited for length or clarity. V