Marines Bash Bar Patrons Wilmington NC - Three marines stationed at Camp Lejune, NC dragged a gay man out of a bar and beat him up while shouting “Clinton must pay”, an apparent reference to President Clinton’s efforts to ban dis- crimination against homosexuals in the military. The victim, Crae Pridgen, suf- fered a fractured skull. He was treated and released from a local hospital. Sgt. Woods of the Wilmington police said the case might be turned over to the FBI for pos- sible prosecution as a hate crime. The ma- rines, who were charged with assault, were released on $400 bond each. Police who took their statements said the marines showed no remorse, saying they hated aH homosexuals. White House Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers, said that the incident would not change President Clinton’s posi- tion on lifting the ban. “There have always been instances of bigotry against not only homosexuals but against other racial and ethnic minorities. The President deplores it, but I don’t think that is a reason not to take a step forward on a civil rightsissue.”(The New York Times) Gay Man Elected President of Minnesota Senate St Paul, MN - State Senator Allan Spear, a Democrat from Minneapolis, was elect- ed president of the Minnesota Senate on January 5. Spear, who has served in the Senate since 1972, came out as gay in 1974. He has is the first openly gay elect- ed official to assume top leadership in a state position and the highest ranking openly gay state legislative official in the country. As president of the senate, spear is chief presiding officer and will decide committee assignments. He will also be the chief senate author of a bill this ses- sion to prohibit discrimination on the ba- sis of sexual orientation. Spear defeated Florian Chmielewski, a conservative Democrat who has been a strong op- ponent of gay and abortion rights, by a 41-22 vote . (The Washington Blade) V March 1993 Diversity in Vermont’s Libraries Moira Reading through The New York Times, News- week, Time and many other publications over thepastyear,onecannothelpbutseethefe- ver that has been stirred over two children’s books, Heather Has Two Mommies and Dad- die's Roommate, published by Alyson Pub- 1icationsBothbooksfilltheneedforchil- dren’s picture books on the topic of gay/ lesbian parenting. Attempts to pull these books off library shelves across the country have created quite a controversy. The new curriculum in NYC, The Rainbow Cur- riculum, which was designed to incorporate tolerance and the appreciation of diversity among students, has been called into question for including these books on their bib- liography. Neither book depicts any sexual scenes or language. Rather, they represent what for many of us is a picture of a family; onewithtwomomsortwodads'Ihesebooks are not mandatory reading for anyone, but simply included to help accommodate chil- dren from gay/lesbian households and create animageofthem fortheotherstudents. Like most lesbian mothers I am required to engage in those occasional discussions about whethdornotourthreechildren aregeuing enough “heterosexual couple” role models. You know, those yearly talks when most have lefttowatehthefinalgameandyouandyour momarefinishingthedisheslhavealllcan do to keep from huriing Grandma’s beloved platter. I search all over for models which in- clude us. Anywhere I find a positive loving example of gay/lesbian I want to show it to our children. Somehow I manage to dry the platter without violence, but I have toask,“Whatdoyoumeandothechi1dren have enough role models?” One doesn’t have to look at all for heterosexual images: every commercial, every sitcom, every children’s book! Now when there are finally a few books which we can sit and read with our yotmg children—books which don’t talk abouttheadultconcernsofsex,butjust about families similar to ours-we must face another battle: those screaming about how these books promote homosexuality. This is notaboutsex,butfamilies'Iheseareour family values. On the local scene, for the most part, Ver- mont libraries haven’t been questioned about these books. Neither of the two titles is listed in the computerized catalogs of the UVM Li- brary, Norwich Library, the State Colleges or the Stare’s Regional Libraries. The Fletcher Free Library carries Daddy's Roommate, and hashadnoproblems. Theykeepthebookin the Parenting section of the Children’s Li- brary along with books about kids of divorce. The Carol Scrimgeour, was glad to hearoftheothertitle,andiswillingto<‘an'y both. The Bristol and Shurbum libraries both own Daddy’sRoommate and The Duke Who Outlawed Jelly Beans (another Alyson title). It appears many Vermont libraries don’t own these books, not because of any controversy, but because of lack of demand or knowledge about them. In general libraries are supporters of knowl- edge, freedom of speech, and public access to books. I fotmd the Fletcher’s Children’s Librarian to be responsive and helpful. For those of you unfamiliar with these books or oth- ersthatrepresentthegay/leSbianfamilies,Out- right Vermont puts out an extensive reading list. Several local bookstores carry these ti- tles. You also might suggest adding the books to the collections or to “story hour” in your neighborhood libraries and see what type of a response you get.V Aimée Green @V-3) Integrative Massage 660-9238 VIRGINIA TALBOT Account Executive DEAN WITTER REYNOLDS INC. Seven Burlington Square, Burlington, VT 05401 (802) 863-7728 WATS (800) 869-9660 FAX (802) 865-2137