Out in the Mountains KEEP US POSTED! Please let us know of any events that you feel should be on our cal- endar so that we can share them with all our readers. Send your group’s listings or other information to: OITM, PO Box Box 177, Bur- ington VT 05402. Materials must be received by the 1st of the month prior to publication in order to be assured of appearing in print. Letters to the Editor Dear Out in the Mountains, The Board of Directors and Staff of the Cmunity Health Center would like to ex- press their support of the gay and lesbian community by observing the travel boy- cott to Colorado. Our commitment to the boycott means no staff or board member will travel to C01- orado for any business purpose relating to the Center. We deeply appreciate the importance of the boycott in recognizing the necessity of civil liberties and social justice for all Americans, regardless of sexual orientation. Sincerely, The Community Health Center Board and Staff Burlington, VT Dear Editor, I have become convinced that the Boycott Colorado movement is a hasty and self- defeating response to a very real threat. As everyone must know by now, three of the communities most affected by this boycott - Denver, Boulder, and Aspen - have gay rights ordinances. “They’ll just have to sac- rifice” is the usual response of boycott supporters, often with the implied accusation that members of these cities (which voted overwhelmingly against Amendment 2) are at fault for not having done even more to stop it. This is great hindsight, but lousy politics. The fact is, we’re hurting our supportersit hopes that a little of the economic pain will trickle down to our opponents. Sound fa- miliar? Trickle-down punishment even goofier than trickle—down economics. Amendment 2 came about, in large part, as a backlash against the gay rights ordinance of these three cities. A blanket boycott of Colorado sends out a dangerous message Your support of lesbian and gay rights is now going to cost you. In a perfect world, voters might flock to vote their conscience, and to hell with thei walled. In the real world, we invite disaster if we start rewarding our supporters with at economic boycott. A targeted boycott, aimed at businesses and cities that supporta Amendment 2, would be a far smarter approach. The boycott movement has quickly taken on an aura of political orthodoxy. On this (a on so many other issues), debate should be encouraged, not squelched. Perhaps the tirn will come when a blanket boycott of Colorado seems like our only option. But it shoul be a last resort, not a knee—jerk first response. Saeha Alyson Alyson Publications, Inc. Boston, MA Large selection, low prices Available at Video Exchange 21 Stowe St., Waterbury. VT Phone: 244-7004 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10-9, Sat. 10-5 Video Rental Club Now Available 7 '93 2