If you live in Vermont and want to go to a women's music concert, that has tradi- tionally meant traveling for hours to places like Boston, Montreal, or Albany. This will allchangein November when Queen's Run Concerts brings four of the biggest names in women’s music to Vermont in a three- concert series. On Sunday,November4,at 8:00 p.m., Holly Near will appear at the Barre Opera House in Barre, Vermont. Holly began her recording career twenty years ago protest- ing the war in Vietnam. Since then, she has never stopped singing, touring, and speak- ing out for the causes in which she believes. Holly is an electrifying performer, one who has appeared in virtually every major club and concert hall in the United States and Canada, including Carnegie Hall. Her autobiography, Fire in the Rain, Singer in the Storm, published in August, has re- ceived favorable attention in the New York Times. Her newest album, Singer in the Storm, was released to accompany the book. On Saturday, November 17, at 7:00 p.m., another founding figure in women’s music, Cris Williamson, will appear at Burlington’s Contois Auditorium. Cris will be performing with Tret Fure, as she often does. ’ This year Cris Williamson and Olivia Records are celebrating the 15th anniver- sary of The Changer and the Changed, the “little album that could” which has sold more than 250,000 copies by word of mouth alone. The Changer and the Changed still epitomizes women’s music better than any other single albmn. Re- leased in 1975 at a time ofgreat hope and promise in the women’s movement, it re- calls the mood of those years, summoning up for lesbians and other women a world in which we once lived, if only for the length of time it took to play the album, and to which we hope one day to return. Also a wonderful performer, Cris’s concerts are intimate and personal, filled with stories illuminating her unique and often quirky perspective on the world she creates through her music. Tret Fure is a high energy singer and musician who, with her electric guitar, brought rock’n’roll to women’s music. She has just released her third album for Olivia, entitled Time Turns the Moon. The series concludes the next day, Sunday, November 18, at 8:00p.m., with a concert by Canadian singer-songwriter Ferron at Montpelier City Hall.T'he concert will showcase her recent release on Chame- leon records. More introspectivethanHolly,Cris,or Tret, Ferron is known for her restless music and her poetic and thought-provoking lyr- ics. She sings of a complex, contemporary world where things frequently don’t work out for the best and people of good will frequently fail at love. Though often bitter- sweet, Ferron is never despairing. The sadness of her music is redeemed by its beauty and by the intensity and integrity of October 1990 Women's Music Series Coming in November her voice. She seems to be saying that we face our lives squarely, we grow and we move forward. Tickets for the three concerts can be purchased at the Peace and Justice Center in Burlington, Buch Spieler in Montpelier, and Folk in Hanover, New Hampshire. Tickets are $15.00, $16.00, and $16.00 respectively for the Cris, Holly, and Ferron shows. Series tickets are available for $45.00. For mail order information, call (802) 254-5238. Though called women's music, which is usually a euphemism for lesbian music, this is wonderful music that speaks to eve- rybody: female or male, gay or straight. We are very fortunate to have artists of this caliber appearing in our neighborhood. Please support these concerts and tell all your friends so that we can keep women’s music concerts coming to Vermont. HAPPY HALLOWEEN FROM THE STAFF OF OWN! ~ OUTRIGHT VERMONT TRAINING Vermont. trainin at 865- 677. Last call for the fall training for volunteers interested in staffing an inforrnationa1/ support . line for lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth in V Training is scheduled in November with the info-line starting up at the end of the month. V Individuals interested in partici ating in the should contact 0 HT Vermont Walter Zeichner M. A. Howard Russell M. A. Are Pleased to Offer 0 Therapy Group for Gay Men For information call: Walter: 863-5510