Out in the Mountains OUTRIGHT Coordinator Focuses on Youth OUTRIGHT Vermont is a support group for lesbian and gay youth. OITM asked Josie Juhasz, the group's Director, what “older” lesbian and gay community members can do to help support the work and people of OUTRIGHT. Josie answered as follows: “Kids today are in great need of role models. The thought used to be that if you were an out lesbian fortable enough to deal with their issues. “Sometimes one of the young people’s stories still hits home abit close for me. Not all of our pains are going to go away. “So - besides changing some of our ideas and ways of thinking, we do have specific jobs that someone can be doing to help us. We need volunteers to staff the Information Support Line. We need plan- ners and organizers or gay man and in support of young "All of a sudden I had of alcohol-free/ chem-free func- tions that are safe the momentl walked into your office, a half hour early, to the time I was dropped off at my house, were the first eight hours of my life, as far as I can remember, that were not perverted my defense mechanisms. All of a sudden I had people to talk to who don’t know me enough to jump to the wrong conclusions...all of a sudden I was glad to be gay! I love being gay! Forgive me for sounding enthusiastic, but it is something new to me...being gay is not just about sex. It’ s about every relationship I have with ev- eryone I know. It reaches into every comer people, that meant you were ‘recnriting’ them. That is the far- thest from the tr'uth. people to talk to who don't know me enough to jump to the wrong conclusion. ..all of of my life and until now, that life has been tainted by phoniness and empty stagna- tion.” for the young folks to attend. We need people who will is now vain: and a sudden I was glad to be fund-raise. We are _ “tI);m afraid ltl) ask :1r‘;yontl:)aatr)r1y {quest-‘ w we are ut: [ ' I" setting up support trons ause peop ewo pro y aug “ S upportin g gay’ I love I%’a_I}7/[member groups throughout at me and then later wouldn't ever talk to these kids means the state and we breaking their isola- tion. Seeing an older lesbian or gay man suddenly means they are not alone. It means they are not invis- ible, that people are out there living real lives. Growing up ‘queer’ no longer seems as filled with only negative stereotypes. Just a little support can mean so much. They see that it is possible for them to have role models and mentors that are also les- bian and gay. “Just think of the things that would have made a difference in your life when you were an adolescent. The breaking down of isolation barriers is so important- letting kids know that there is a community that they are apartof- a community with a history and a culture. “Our community is on the edge of breaking new ground, and these kids are already talking about it and realizing it. As difficult as it may be, we need to find ways to accept and integrate these youths into our larger community. These young people are already well aware thatbeing gay or lesbian is so much more than having sex with a same-sex partner. They are already begin- ning to understand the politics and the need for social change. “It seems like we don’t get some of the support we would like from the older folks - 25 and up - because they are having some of their own internal struggles about their own adolescent experiences and their feel- ings of recruitment. We need to deal with ourselves before we will be at aplace where we can truly support the youth that needs us. We need to address and resolve our own issues, internally, so that we will be com- 10 need facilitators for those groups. The OUTRIGHT library needs donations of books, films, and movies. We need to find better ways to distribute infonnation. I also could use someone who is computer- friendly to help out in the office.” Anyone wishing me again. I'm not afraid at being a lesbian at all; it’s just the things I don’t know and thelabelthatlcarryinthebackofmy mind...lesbian.” Members of OUTRIGHT Vermont will be presenting apanel discussion on gay youth issues at the Coming Out Day cele- bration in Montpelier on October 13. to find out more infor- mation about OUT- RIGHT or wanting to volunteer should con- tact Josie at the OUT- RIGHT office in Burlington at (802) 865-9677. Following are excerpts from the let- ters of two OUT- RIGHT members that Josie has agreed to share with us. They show better than any- thing else the powerful influence a group like OUTRIGHT can have on gay, lesbian, and bi- sexual youth: “I have to tell you how important my in- troduction to OUT- RIGHT is...I needed a change. I felt myself slipping into my old TED BOHN ATTORNEY AT LAW Gay/ Lesbian Rights Unemployment Compensation Corporations/ Partnerships Personal Injury/Property Damage Employment/Housing Discrimination 802-257-11-491 Wills Divorce Consumer Contracts Real Estate AIDS Matters Social Security Criminal Matters vicious cycle of isola- tion, self-hatred, and suicidal tendencies again when I saw your P.O. Box 1212 Brattleboro, Vt. 05302 ad in the paper...From