I|1___j?:__:j__jj_jjj__.jjjj————:' -I (from previous page) At 6:30 p.m., a buffet dinner will be sewed at the Alburg Country Club. The price is $13.00 per person and will be by advance reservaticxi only (diners are asked to specify what time they would like to eat when mailing in their checks). Cocktails will also be available at this time. A super dance will start at 9:00 p.m. with music collected from Montreal, New York, and Boston. A professional sound system should make it a great dance party. Besides tliedancebar,ajuicebarandpatio bar will also be open. The festivities will continue until 1:00 a.m.; a donation of $4.00 will be requested at the door. The next morning, there will be a brunch at Shore Acres Resort in North Hero, Vermont. In addition to the fantastic food, Shore Acres features one of the most spectacular views of the Lake Champlain Islands. The price of the brunch is $10.00 and is also by advance reservation only. For all reservations, please make checks payable to Vermont C.A.R.E.S . and mail them to J .B. Fox, PO Box 55, Isle Iamotte, Vermont 05463. All reservations should be in by October 6. J.B. can also answer any questions you may have about the weekend; you can call him at (802) 328- 3005. Rev. Kim Harvie to Speak at Middlebury, UVM Gay people have not been especially known for their faith in organized religions, and with just cause, but when the minister of a small town church is able to increase the congregation in a predominantly gay town from 35 toover400in aperiod of two years. you know that thene’s something special contained in the message being delivered. Vemionters will have two chances to hear that message on October 18 and 19 when Reverend Kim Harvie speaks, first at Middlebury College and then at the University of Vermont. _ Harvie, who is a 1979 graduate of M_1d_dlebury College, became full-time minister of the Unitarian Universalist Meeting House in Provincetown shortly after graduating from Harvard Divinity School. Though she is quite open and up front about her own lesbianism, she sought to unite her P-town following in ways that transcend the distinctions often made be- tween gay and straight worshippers. Harvie describes her message as one of affirmation and explains, “I tryhardto show my human- ness to this very human congregation, and my deepest hope is that people focus in and tum love on themselves.” The message Harvie brings with her to Vermont is a timely one, coming as it does just after National Coming Out Day. Her strong sense of self (she was once quoted as saying “if I were living with someone, I was not about to change pronouns from the pulpit”) and her focus on compassion come together in her vision for an enlarged sense of community, which to Harvie means “a gathering of like-hearted people in the spirit of love.” A . A . . A . . A . A . . A . . . A A A . A . . A . . . A . . . . A A . . . . an Partners in Recovery and Growth Inc., Therapists l Erica Marks, S.A.C., A.C.H., Director Giita Clark, Associate 1 Sherry Hunt, B.A., A.C.H., Associate Sesxuality, Substance Abuse, Spirituality, Parenting, Gestalt, T.A., Hypno- October 1990 Harvie currently lives in Wellfleet, Massachusetts, with her partner, Marnie Samuelson. Together they are raising two young children in addition to assisting a number of community-based projects. Harvie is now Senior Minister of the Ar- lington Street Unitarian Church in Boston. The times and locations of the two scheduled talks can be obtained by calling the Information desk at Middlebury Col- lege or the University of Vemiont. At press time, no definitive schedule was available. Middlebury College is also planning an alumni panel/discussion on homosexu- ality featuring gay and lesbian graduates of the School. The event is scheduled for early November. sis, Individuals, Couples, Families, Groups 182 Main St. Burlington, VT 05401 Sliding fee scale Phone: 865-2403 v v v - v v v vvwvwvvvvvvvvwvvvvvvvwwvvvvvvvvvvv M if§”§‘&‘%ll VERMONT STATE SENATE 0 Essential services for vulnerable Vermonters 0 Tax equity 0 Protecting Vermont’s farms and environment 0 Pro-choice/Civil rights for all Vermonters VOTE For Our Children, For Our Future. . . Help Broaden the Vision Paid forby Howard Russell for Senate ' Maids F. Townsend, Treasurer A