Dear OITM: Congratulations for receiving the $8,000 grant from the Green Mtn. Fund for Popular Struggle. What a wonderful en- dorsement! Out in the Mountains has undergone a sensitive metamorphosis in the past few months, and this gift will provide greatly needed equipment. Hopefully other groups and individuals will follow the lead of this new group. The September editorial and commen- tary were most insightful and thought-pro- voking. In fact, the entire issue is excellent. The staffing and editorial alterations are apparent I’m sure a lot of readers are pleased. The use of more ads is justifiable and provides yet another service to the readers. The addition of the word “bisexuals” in the masthead is long overdue. Bigotry and intolerance, particularly in our com- munity, cannot be tolerated. I'm proud to have the publication on my coffee table. Sincerely, J.D.I. Springfield, Vermont Dear J: Thanks for the good thoughts and words of encouragement! As you can tell from the hefty weight of this issue, there's lots more to come in terms of expanding OIT M and making it bigger and better than ever. We remain extremely grateful to the Green Min. F and for granting us the funds needed to keep this publication moving forward full-steam into the nineties. DESKTOP PUBLISHING STUDIO TYPE 8: DESIGN/WORKSHOPS/SELF-SERVICE Dear Friends, As you may know, many AC'I‘ UP chapters aroundthecormtry have organized a boycott of Miller beer and Marlboro ciga- rettes because they are owned by the com- pany which is the largest donor to the “Re- elect Jesse Helms” campaign and the Jesse Helms Museum: Philip Morris. I am presently discussing with other boycott organizers the possibility of travel- ing to Barre, Vermont, on October 10th. That is the day the Bill of Rights Tour will open, and the tour is sponsored by Philip Morris. I would like to see a legal picket out- side the exhibition hall and have lots of people handing out fact sheets on this day. I do NOT think civil disobedience is called for. The main purpose of the October 10th action is to spoil Philip Morris’ co-opting of the Bill of Rights. I hope 30 - 40 people will travel to Barre, Vermont, for this action. Since there is less than a month to plan everything, I don’t imagine a larger tumout. Your help is needed to organize the demonstration and other logistics for trav- elers such as permits and housing. I hope you and/or your group will endorse this action. Should you have any questions, please call me. I hope to hear from you soon. Michael Petrelis Washington, D.C. (202) 543-1070 863-1884 187 ST PA UL STREET 8|-IIATSU Jo Edmonclson Oruahmtsu Proclrttioner Stress Reduction Energy Balancirg Well-Bcirg 1'.nl1a.ncemerrt Pain Management Common Prr.-5,t:arvc.}I‘Prd91enL5 Couvcnterrdy Located Downtown Ample Fre: Parking ahhmama Burlirgcon,Ve-rmont 8604171 Cell mwforcnaflrinb/rtcnt October 1990