September 1990 9 Touch Football Game in Barre with Women of the Woods (WOW), 1:00 p.m. Check below for contact information. 11 VERMONT PRIMARY ELECTIONS Go out and CAST YOUR VOTE! Howard Russell for Senate Campaign Primary Election Victory Party (we hope!) at the Vermont Pub and Brewery, comer of St. Paul and College Streets, Burlington. Festivities begin at 7:00 p.m. 12 OUTRIGHT Vermont meeting, 7:30 p.m. at 30 Elmwood Avenue, Burlington. 13 W.O.W. Dinner at the House of T'ang in Montpelier, 7:00 p.m. _ 14 Teresa Trull in concert at the River Valley Performing Arts Center, Putney VT. Tick- ets are $15.00 in advance; call VT Tix at 802-387-5454. Presented by Queen's Run Concerts. 16 W.O.W. Hike up Spruce Mountain. Meet at 12:30 p.m. 22 Monadnock Area Womyn (MAW) Les- bian Conference in Keene, NH, 8:30 - 4:00. Pre-registration is required by calling (603)357-5757 or writing PO Box 6345, Keene NH 03431. Workshops include sexual abuse, alcohol, parenting, outings/ homophobia, sexuality and spirituality, and an open rap/discussion. 24 Rita Mae Brown will speak at the Unitar- ian Church in Burlington. A minimum do- nation of $10.00 is suggested, proceeds to the Howard Russell for Senate campaign. For more information (including time), call 482-3528. 29 OITM Envelope Stuffing and Sealing. Put your hands and tongues to good use and have a great time with the OITM staff. 29 (cont.) 10:00 a.m. at our upstairs office at 30 Elmwood Ave. in Burlington, then join us for lunch afterward. Call 388-6503 for more information. OITM General Meeting. Find out how it all happens and add to the excitement. 1:00 p.m. at our office at 30 Elmwood Ave, Burlington. Time approximate after stuff- ing and lunch (or stuffing lunch). For more details, call 388-6503. W.O.W. "Always a Bridesmaid" Social, 7:00 p.m. 5 Fred Small, popular folksinger/song- writer, will give a concert at Contois Audi- torium in Burlington at 8:00 p.m. Tickets - are $8.00 in advance, $10.00 at the door, with proceeds to benefit the Howard Russell for Senate campaign. For more information, call 482-3528. SW Chapter of PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) meets the first Sunday of every month at 2:00 p.m. in the Manchester Congregational Church (across from Equinox House). "Building a Movement:" A six-session study and discussion group using the PBS Series "Eyes on the Prize" will begin on Tuesday, September 11 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. and run each subsequent Tuesday through October 16. Sponsored by UM- BRELLA as the first in their series "Women and Social Change." Pre-registra- tion is required by calling 748-8645 or writing UMBRELLA, 1 Prospect St., St. Johnsbury VT 05819. NorthEast Kingdom AIDS Support Groups. For more infomation about AIDS support groups in Hardwick and Newport, call the NorthEast AIDS Coali- tion at (802) 472-6291. IRIS is a central Vermont Lesbian support group which meets Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in Montpelier to share re- sources and experiences, affirm our identi- ties, and support one another. For more information, call 229-6202. Metropolitan Community Church, meetings every Sunday. For meeting place and time, call 334-2133. Family and Partners Biweekly Group. Call Marty at 254-8774. Support Group for HIV+ and People with AIDS, 2nd and 4th Mondays at 7:30 in St. Johnsbury. Call 1-800-622-4122 or 748- 3391. Sponsored by ACAP (AIDS Com- munity Awareness Project). Brattleboro AIDS Project Support Groups: HIV+ Bi-weekly group. Call Michael at 254-8263 or 254-4444. Women of the Woods Women of the Woods (WOW) is a lesbian social club created to make avail- able a supportive network of friends for lesbians. We have potlucks, poker games, fishing tournaments, video nights, game nights, and other events - all for fun. We realize that we all need safe environments to have fun, and having fun is important to being healthy. Our events are at different lesbiansā€˜ homes in central Vermont, with one contact person to protect our members who need to remain closeted until our civil rights legislation passes. Children under two years old are wel- come at all events; children over two are welcome at selected events. Our fust newsletter is free; we ask for a $5.00 donation for the rest of the year. For more information, please contact Claire Donaldson, RFD #1 Box 5260, Worcester VT 05682, or call (802) 229-0109. 15