Out in the Mountains Octoberfest (cont. from page 5) Checks should be made out to Ver- mont C.A.R.E.S. and sent to J.B. Fox, PO Box 55, Isle LaMotte VT 05463. Reserva- tions must be made by October 6th. For more information, write to J.B. or call evenings at 802-928-3005. A listing of participating motels and guest houses in the area is also available for those who will need overnight accommodations. "Creating Change" Dates Set The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) will be holding their third annual "Creating Change" conference from November 10-12 this year at the Holiday Inn Metrodome in Minneapolis- St. Paul, Minnesota. This is the preeminent political and skills-building gathering for gay and lesbian activists, and features 42 workshops plus plenary sessions, provoca- tive speakers, caucuses, an "agit-prop" swap shop, and social events. There will also be a pair of two-day pre-conference institutes, one for fundrais- ing and one for people of color. Scholarship assistance is available for people of color and people with disabilities who would like to attend. For more details, write to NGLTF/ Creating Change, 1517 U Street NW, Washington DC 20009. Family Weekend a Success The Adventure Family Weekend, a camp-out for lesbian and gay families, was a wonderful success. Fifty people joined in the festivities at Moonstonn Farm in cen- tral Vermont. Despite a brief but fierce rainstorm on Saturday, participants were able to enjoy the opportunity to be together and gain support from other lesbian and gay families from the Northeast. Plans are underway for next year's event. Anyone interested in planning or participating in Adventure Weekend II should call 802-229-0109. Overheard at Adventure Weekend... During the rainstorm, while a gay man and a lesbian were trying desperately to hold down a tent from blowing away... GM: I feel like the little boy with my finger in the dike. LW: Not in this tent you don't! MCC Congregations Hold Conference "Celebrating and Strengthening Our Relationships" will be the theme of the annual District Conference of the North- east District of Metropolitan Community Churches. The conference is set for Sep- tember 28-30 in Buffalo, New York. Drawing on the proximity of Niagara Falls, the "honeymoon capital" of North America, this conference will focus on the various kinds of relationships in which gay and lesbian persons are involved. Other highlights of the conference will be the annual business meeting of the Northeast District, a banquet, a ceremony of commit- ment or recommitrnent for couples (Bless- ing of Relationships), and an optional tour of nearby Niagara Falls. For more information, contact the Rev. Jeffrey Pulling, PO Box 340529, Hartford CT 06134-0529; (203)-296-6512 (answer phone). Author Shilts Seeks Military Interviews Prominent gay author Randy Shilts is seeking interviews with lesbian and gay military personnel for a new book examin- ing the issue of gays in the armed forces. Shilts’ book will focus on lesbians and gay men in the military since 1969, starting with the Vietnam War. However, he said he is also looking for others who have served in the armed forces at any time during this 863-8326 I Gifts for Friends Who Care About PEACE on EARTH STORE I Books, Games, Clothing. Nicaraguan Coffee, The Fate of the Earth Rainforest Crunch, more... 186 College Street (upstairs) 863-8326 M-F 10-5; SAT 1-5 12 COL RS 20 Elliot Street Downstairs in the old church century, particularly "if they have a good story that needs to be told." The author promises to protect the confidentiality of people who might not want their names used. He asks that those interested in assisting his project write him at the San Francisco Chronicle, 901 Mis- sion Street, San Francisco 94103 or leave a message on his voice mail at 415-777- 7220. HBO to offer " And the Band Played On" Home Box Office announced that it was making a miniseries based on And the Band Played On, the best-selling docu- mentary of the AIDS crisis written by Randy Shilts (mentioned above). Oscar-winning director Oliver Stone recently signed on to co-produce the film version of Shilts‘ biography of Harvey Milk, The Mayor of Castro Street for Warner Brothers pictures. (frompage 1) night in order to "find a faggot" and beat him severely. Burlington's gay community was shocked by the intensity of Murray's aggression, evidenced by the fact that Macomber was hospitalized in intensive care for weeks following the beating. Macomber, who was later released from the hospital, nonetheless suffers permanent damage from that assault. The victim of this most recent attack is currently unemployed and therefore has no health insurance. Anyone wishing to assist him in defraying the medical expenses incurred can do so by sending a check to OITM at Box 177, Burlington VT 05402. As the victim prefers to remain anonymous at this time, the check can be made out to "OITM Victim Assistance." A Nightclub of Distinction (802) 254-8646 Brattleboro, Vermont