Out in the Mountains Safer Sex Without a Condom (frompage7) Since masturbation is pretty much a self-taught art (lets face it, not many guys get helpful hints on technique from their fathers or older brothers), lots of people have figured out different ways that work best for them. So when you're jerking off another guy, or he's doing you, it is a great time to find out how someone else does it. Is he into doing it with lube or without?making a fist around his cock and working the whole shaft, or using his fin- gers to manipulate the head? fast or slow? rough or gentle?Try each other's tech- niques out on each other and see how they work for you. Don't rush it - take turns with each other. Let one person lay back and really enjoy the other one working them, then return the favor. Play with bringing your partner to the edge of orgasm, then slacken off for a while before he cums. Any try all L£S$Ifll9\[fll9\[fl) gay Jorsiaaxtg czmntoaxcrrs w£:D1)I9\£g5 Create our own ceremony to cefe rate your [ave and procfairn your spirituaf union. Ihflmor the significance of our relationship as you syrnho 1c proclaim the fionaf you cherish. Rev. Giita Clark, ordained minister Caunsefirg to resofue gay and [es5ian coupfes anzffarnify issues. gay and [es5ian coupfes antfparenting workshop qfleretf. Erica_Marks, S.A.C., C.H. Partners In Recovery and Growth 182 Main Street Burlington VT 05401 (802)-865~2403 the ideas about talking dirty, clothing and fantasy that work when you're watching each other. They can be even more fun when you've got someone else's hard cock in your hands. But let's not concentrate entirely on the penis (as much fun as that can be), and run the risk of forgetting the rest of the body. Tits, toes, the insides of the thighs, necks, ears, armpits, backs, balls, and virtually every other body part can provide sexual pleasure. Stroking, petting, pinching, squeezing, pulling, tickling and twisting are just some of the activities that spring to mind. Combine them in creative combina- tions (pick one from column A, one from column B - pinch someone's nipples while they are working their penis, lick their balls while they slap their cock against your face, etc). Likewise, you can use more than just your hands to play with a dick: it can be rubbed (slowly or vigorously) or slapped across someone's chest, neck, face, stom- ach or ass. "Dry fucking" (aka the "Prince- ton Rub", rubbing a penis between some- one's thighs or the cheeks of their ass with- out penetrating the anus) is a perfectly safe practice that simulates some of the sensa- tions of fucking - and a practice worth trying out in its own right. The mouth can provide an enormous amount of pleasure to virtually any part of the body - a talented tongue works won- ders, gentle nibbling can drive someone crazy, and merely brushing lips against some parts of the body sends some people over the edge. The experts agree that kiss- ing carries very little transmission risk (although some worry about the theoretical risk of "deep, passionate" kissing if blood is present in the mouth - its seems a very long shot in terms of transmission), so do for all the kissing you can get if it works for you. The whole debate over oral sex will be dealt with in a later article, but without getting into that, remember that any pos- sible risk is from cum and pre-cum. So a mouth working on someone's balls or the shaft of their cock (a "harmonica job") is a safe (and delightful) activity. Likewise, a mouth on nipples, thighs, toes, hands, but- tocks, or other body parts are safe and fun ways to pass some time. These activities just begin to scratch the surface of what's safe sexual activity - but perhaps they can provide some useful ideas for where to start. Experiment and add your own forms of enjoyment - try food, showers and baths, different settings (the kitchen, outdoors, etc) and other fanta- sres. It is all too clear that the AIDS epi- demic limits some of our sexual choices. We can, and we must, replace those lost choices by truly eroticizing safer sex and using it as an opportunity to expand our sexual horizons. And that doesn't necessar- ily involve a piece of latex coming between you and your partner. (frompage 1) next issue, which will focus on "coming out" in acknowledgement of National Coming Out Day on October 11. We invite our readers to write in with their thoughts, observations, and experiences around coming out, be it to oneself, to a friend, to one's parents, or to one's fellow workers. There are also thoughts of starting an "I'm Out!" listing in the paper, in which you could celebrate your newly-eamed free- dom from the closet by allowing us to print your initials and hometown to let others know that we do exist in great numbers in the hills and valleys of Vermont. Let us know what you think of such an idea, as well as whether you'd like to be on that first list in October. Our largest project for the upcoming year will be the gala celebration of the fifth anniversary of Out in the Mountains, scheduled to be held in February 1991. Simply stated, we want to hold the biggest gay/lesbian/bisexual party ever held in Vermont, but we need plenty of help to do it! At the moment we're still trying to decide on a central location for the event, which will probably be something of a buffet dinner/dance. We'll also need plenty of volunteers to help out with the planning, scheduling, decorating, etc., so get in touch with us if this sounds like your kind of thing. As you can tell, there's a lot going on at the Out in the Mountains meetings these days, and we encourage everyone to help support the newspaper in whatever way possible (especially by subscribing!) We'd like to do more than send a letter of thanks from the staff of Out in the Mountains to the Green Mountain Fund - we'd like them to know that the entire gay/lesbian/bisexual community thanks them for their support and will do everything possible to make sure that their generous grant will keep OITM thriving for years to come.