First, a Letter to Our Readers: It was expressed to us in a recent letter that our priorities concerning Pride Day were not appropriate, and some of us felt compelled to respond. Although little information was shared with us prior to the event, we felt that we did a fine job with what was given to us. We also felt that the_ story on Roger Ma- comber, though covered in the main- stream press, could not be ignored in our own. We share our readers‘ regret that a story of such tragedy should overshadow something as festive as Pride Day, but it was a story whose impact could not be ignored or dimin- ished. (As we were not at that time publishing on a monthly basis, our cov- erage was late, but it was the best we could do given our schedule.) Regardless of our previous edito- rial decisions, your comments remain vital and important to us and lead share with you the following: We are a small group of people keeping this paper alive. We need your continued help and support. Anyone who feels that there are issues which should be included in our paper is en- couraged to do any of the following: WRITE AN ARTICLE FOR THE PAPER. We will not print your name if you don't want us to, but we do encour- age you to take credit for your efforts or at least suggest a pseudonym so that readers can respond to an author. WRITE A LETTER TO THE EDI- TOR. Express your concerns. Tell us what topics you would consider top pri- ority. We like getting letters, even if you ask that we don't print them. ASK COORDINATORS OF EVENTS TO CONTACT US. Be sure that any information that comes to us ‘comes by the deadline for the upcoming issue (usually the 7th of the previous month) and is as detailed as possible. ASK US TO CONTACT YOU. We're still working out our mail and commu- nications strategies, and if there are problems, we need to know. GET INVOLVED! After all, this is YOUR paper. We need all the help we can get. Come tothe meetings or enve- lope stuffings and "get acquainted." There are always new faces there, so don't be shy. We welcome you to join us in keeping this paper alive and in mak- ing it better with each issue! Rite Mae Brown to Speak Well-known author Rite Mae Brown will be speaking on Monday, September 24, at the Unitarian Church in Burlington. Brown, who is the author of such best- selling classics as Rubyfruiz Jungle, has been a prominent voice for gay/lesbian and women's rights in the past. She has also published Starting from Scratch, a popular handbook for aspiring writers which high- lights her direct and honest voice. Brown will be appearing in Burlington as part of the Howard Russell for Senate Campaign. A minimum donation of $10 is suggested for admission; proceeds will help to defray costs of Howdy's campaign. For more information on Brown's visit, call 482-3528. Octoberfest Plans Underway Vermont C.A.R.E.S. is planning a weekend of fun and games to celebrate Octoberfest and raise money for the ongo- ing fight against AIDS. Partners in Recovery and Growth Inc., Therapists Erica Marks, S.A.C., A.C.H., Director ’ Giita Clark, Associate Sherry Hunt, B.A., A.C.H., Associate Sesxuality, Substance Abuse, Spirituality, Parenting, Gestalt, T.A., Hypno- sis, Individuals, Couples, Families, Groups 182 Main St. Burlington, VT 05401 Sliding fee scale Phone: 865-2403 September 1990 Festivities begin at 1:00 on Saturday, October 20, with an open volleyball tour- nament outdoors at the Alburg Country Club by Lake Champlain. Teams will be fonned throughout the afternoon as play- ers arrive. Then from 6:30 to 8:30, a cock- tail social and buffet dinner will be served, also at the Alburg Country Club. Tickets for the dinner are $13.00 per person; reser- vations are required. A dance party will begin at 9:00 with a dance bar, alcohol-free bar, and a patio bar. Music will feature offerings from Montreal, Boston, and New York bands. A $4.00 cover charge will be requested at the door. The following morning, a "Sunday Bnrnch on the Islands" will cap off the weekend at the Shore Acres Resort in Grand Isle. Again, advance reservations are required; $10.00 buys you a great meal as well as one of the most spectacular views of the Lake Champlain Islands. (continued on page 12) v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vv v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v V7 [21 0 Essential services for vulnerable Vermonters 0 Tax equity 0 Protecting VerInont’s farms and environment 0 Pro-choice/Civil rights for all Vermonters i'i’§'§%ll VERMONT STATE SENATE VOTE §§;“..‘1§T.:‘l‘,‘.§.'5’i'i{',“i”99§‘e°"'°“ For Our Children, For 0 tur. .. “ Help Broaden the Vision Paid for by Howard Russell for Senate ' Maids F. Townsend, Treasurer u.