Out in the Mountains Join The Fight! Suppon The Vermont Coalition of Lesbians and Gay Men in their work to pass legislation guaranteeing equal rights to Les- bians and Gay men in Vermont and insuring protection for People With AIDS and HIV+ persons. Contribute to our cause and add your name to our mailing list. We need your help. D Yes, I want to be a part of making Vermont safer for Gays and Lesbians. Add my name to your mailing list. I:I Accept my contribution of to help with expenses and general coalition building ef- forts. See Address on VT Resources Page Name Address Phone THANK YOU! the Bible.” Willmott continued: ”The Bible harshly condemns homosexuality as an ’abomination’ unto G0d...HOW, then, can (Bush) publicly approve of this practice which is degenerate, an aberration, and is deeply offensive to God and most of man- kind, even though practiced privately by many. America may not ‘belong’ to the Christians, but it is composed largely of religious people, predominantly Chris- tians who may tolerate, but abhor homo- sexuality.” Dear OIT M : Mr. Willmott of South Dorset has the right to his opinions about homosexuality, but once again someone defends his preju- dice on Christian beliefs. I'm sure it was not the intent of God for the Churches, Synagogues, and other min- istries to teach hatred and prejudice against gays and lesbians or any group of people. We may not "love" each other in our society, but must accept each other as RITA MAE BROWN BURLINGTON SEPTEMBER 24 SEE CALENDAR FOR MORE INFO human beings and forget about judging a person by his or her sexual preference, color, race, sex, religion, etc. It is sad that some of our religious leaders and politicans teach that homo- sexuality is evil and that gays, lesbians, and bisexuals should not be given equal treat- ment in society. Their homophobic teach- ings are passed on to generations of people. Remember: a child is not born with hatred and prejudice. Mr. Willmott continues later in his letter to denounce Barney Frank of Massa- chusetts. I'm sure if Mr. Frank was not a homosexual, Mr. Willmott would not feel so strongly about having this "notorious homosexual" impeached. I suggest Mr. Willmott and people like him get together to find aplace in this world to live where homosexuality does not exist. They may have a problem finding a place. If every gay, lesbian, and bisexual in America would or could "come out," the likes of Mr. Willmott would be shocked by the number of "us" in society, and would find a group of people who are sincere, loyal, hard-working, successful, family- oriented, and probably the least prejudiced. J .C. P.S. We were pleased to read that the Hate Crimes bill was passed in Vermont, and hope that Mr. Howard Russell wins the race for the State Senate. Burlington, Vermont 05402. ame By subscribing now to OITM, not only will you guarantee delivery to your mailbox I (in a discreet envelope, of course), but you will also help undenivrite the rising | costs of publishing the newspaper. We also welcome any additional contribu- I tions you can make to support our continuing existence. Checks should be made payable to OITM and sent, along with this form, to: OITM, P.O. Box 177, I I I I I I I I I I IN I Address I I I I I I I I_ ___________ __ _ One-year ($20) _ Low-income ($10) __ Donation ($ I Donations are especially welcome from those who prefer to pick up OITM at one of the paper's distribution points rather than be added to the mailing list. _Please also let us know if you'd like to get involved in the newspaper. __________ ___J