September 1990 Dear OITM: I just received the most recent issue of 01 TM . I read the editorial about outing, and it spurred me to action. For some time, I have considered writing to you and asking that you stop sending my newsletter in a manilla envelope. After reading the edito- rial, I am taking action. From now on, please send my copy "naked." I have noth- ing to lose, and it will save paper and postage. Susan Rosenthal Brandon Dear Susan: We applaud your initiative and cour- age, and sincerely wish we could fulfill your wishes, but postal regulations require that every issue of 01 TM gets mailed out the same way, and for now that means "in a discreet manilla envelope." Naked mail- ings are an all-or—nothing deal; either ev- eryone asks to strip away the wasteful brown envelope, or we keep mailing the issues out in their postal uniforms. Thanks for taking the stand all the same. And don't forget to leave the latest issue out on the coflee table for company... Dear 01 TM : Having very recently relocated from Vermont (and thus technically still a resi- dent), there are a couple of comments I would like to express regarding your very important August article entitled "Sub— stance Abuse and AIDS." First, when asking yourself about the safety of your sexual behavior - whether or not alcohol or other drugs are involved - don't kid yourself about the reality of the risk of AIDS/HIV infection. Now more than ever, if you're healthy, staying that way is up to you. So yes, have sex. And please, have fun! But don't throw caution to the wind; the threat is very real. Secondly, try not to to think only of yourself. Keeping yourself healthy also means keeping your partner(s) healthy. And our caring about each othercan help to keep sex the joyful celebration of life it was always meant to be. So take control - and enjoy! Jim Charlton New York City, via Burlington The following is in response to a letter published in the Vermont News Guide by John W. Willmott. In his letter, Willmott criticized First Lady Barbara Bush for her supportive remarks to the gay community, arguing that she "has forgotten to play by the ‘rule book’ of both Christians and Jews, (continued on next page) ELECT ALTHEA KROGER STATE SENATOR ° CHITTENDEN COUNTY DEMOCRAT Send Back to Montpelier A Strong Voice For A ll Vermont Families! "As far back as 1982, Althea Kroger stood alone in the House Judiciary Conmittee —— fighting‘ passionately to give lesbians and gay men the same protection against domestic violence given to other family members in Vermont. In 1990 I am convinced the State Senate needs Althea's energy and dedication to equal rights, if a strong "Gay Rights Law" IS to become a reality in Vermont. Althea's leadership and continuing conmitrnent to Vermont's lesbian and gay conmunity should not be forgotten on Septanber 11!" Petclt watch ' F0/Lmetz V2/Lmowt Scnatott b 1990 Gubamiatouat Candtdctte