22 Vermont Gay Social Alternatives "Beach Day"at Lake Dunmore in Salis- bury. For more information, call 893-6935. 21-22 Giant Yard Sale to benefit Vermont C.A.R.E.S. from 9-4. For more informa- tion, call 863-2437. 27 Karen Billings and Pete Sutherlandwill be performing folk and original acoustic music along with Mac Parker, Vermont poet and storyteller, in a fundraiser for the Howard Russell for Senate campaign. 8 p.m., Congregational Church, Church St, Burlington. Suggested donation: $6. Dessert Party hosted by Lisa Alther at her Hinesburg home to benefit the Howard Russell for Senate campaign. RSVP for directions: 482-3528. Suggested donation: $10. 4 OITM General Meeting. Come see what all the excitement is about! Meet at 1:00 p.m. at the office upstairs at 30 Elmwood Ave. in Burlington. 8 OUTRIGHT Vermont Meeting, 30 Elmwood Ave., Burlington, 7 p.m. - 17-19 Lesbian and Gay Family Camping Weekend at Moonstorm Farm. Sponsored by the International Coalition of Gay and Lesbian Parents and the Vt. Coalition of Lesbians and Gay Men. Call 229-0109 for more information. 23 Chamber Music and Hors D'oeuvres at sunset hosted by Richard Alther at his Fort Casm Point home on Lake Champlain to benefit the Howard Russell for Senate Campaign. RSVP for directions: 482-3528. Suggested donation: $20-25. 1 OITM Envelope Stuffing and Brunch. Help us out with our distribution and then have a sumptuous brunch somwhere in town with the people who make it all hap- pen! Meet at 10:00 a.m. at the office up- stairs at 30 Elmwood Ave. in Burlington. NorthEast Kingdom AIDS Support Groups. For more information about AIDS support groups in Hardwick and Newport, call the Northeast AIDS Coali- tion at (802)-472-6291. Metropolitan Community Church, meetings every Sunday. For meeting place and time, call 334-2133. Classified Information: OITM 's Classified Section features items for sale, housing opportunities, serv- ices offered, social networking and the like. Individuals may place ads at a rate of 50 cents per word with a $5.00 minimum; for businesses the charge will be 75 cents per word with a $10.00 minimum. OIT M ad- vises that you place or respond to ads at your own risk; we cannot screen each ad for legitimacy nor assume responsibility. To be considered for publication, ads must be received by the 10th of the month. Mail to Box 177, Burlington VT 05402. Payment _n_tu_s_t_accompany your ad copy, and we MUST have your full name, ad- dress, and phone number (these will be kept confidential). We have decided to run personal-type ads under the heading "networking," so let us know who you're looking for and we'll try our best to help you find them (and to help them find you as well). We will ask respondents to send in $2.00 with their replies in order to cover the costs of postage and handling. All replies will be forwarded to the advertiser in a sealed brown envelope on a weekly basis. August 1990 Support Group for HIV+ and People with AIDS, 2nd and 4th Mondays at 7:30 in St. Johnsbury. Call 1-800-622-4122 or 748- 3391. Sponsored by ACAP (AIDS Com- munity Awareness Project). Brattleboro AIDS Project Support Groups: HIV+ Bi-weekly group. Call Michael at 254-8263 or 254-4444. Family and Partners Bi-Weekly Group. Call Marty at 254-8774. [TM needs YOU YOUR "group": rorgartizatiou to send calendar listings for‘your'events‘ by the 7th‘ of) the month for inclusion in the next _i ont_h's issu,ej.:_P_LEASE help us to ” ' 'th'e“ “ mniiinityg info ed of all T ANNQUNQEMENI Claire Donaldson, Holly Perdue, and Cheri Goldstein would like to announce the arri- val of Nicholas Keith (see photo on page 9) on May 28, 1990, weighing in at 10 lbs. 3 oz. and 21 In inches tall. MMA E NTED Quiet but hard-working vegetarian seeks same to share home in shady grove two minutes from downtown Montpelier. Reply to OITM-A, Box 177, Burlington. HELLWANJE Volunteers needed for reputable gay/les- bian/bisexual news magazine. Writers, photographers, and general staff. Free clas- sified advertising available with member- ship. Write: OITM, Box 177, Burlington, Vermont 05402. Call for Volunteers in Washington and Rutland counties: Vennont C.A.R.E.S. is looking for direct-care volunteers. If inter- ested, call 1-800-649-2437. ’ I. 15