Garfin Named Executive Director of VT AIDS Council Erica Garfin has been named Execu- tive Director of the Vermont AIDS Coun- cil. The Council, recently incorporated as a private non-profit organization, is based in Montpelier. Garfrn was employed for five years as Director of the Infonnation and Referral Program at the Vermont Center for Inde- pendent Living. She holds an undergradu- ate degree from the University of Califor- nia, Berkeley, and a Master's degree in Health Advocacy from Sarah Lawrence College. Garfin, who lives in Montpelier, is on the board of the Health Policy Council and is Vice-President of the Vermont Consumer's Campaign for Health. The Vermont AIDS Council is a state- wide coalition of the eight AIDS service or- ganizations in Vermont Members include: the AIDS Community Action Project (St. Johnsbury), the AIDS Community Re- source Network (Upper Valley area), the Bennington Area AIDS Project, the Brat- tleboro AIDS Project, the Franklin/Grand Isle AIDS Task Force, HEAL Vermont (Montpelier), the Northeast Kingdom AIDS Coalition, and Vermont C.A.R.E.S. (Chittenden County area). The Vermont AIDS Council provides a forum for collaboration among the mem- ber organizations and serves as an umbrella for those organizations by providing a net- work of information and resources. Among the priorities of the Vermont AIDS Council is the development of a state plan to ensure delivery of the besteducation, information, and services to the people of Vermont who are affected by HIV disease. With the exception of a small grant from the state's Independence Fund for case management services, Vermont re- mains one of the five states in the country that allocates none of its revenues for AIDS education or direct care. UFMCC Update Northern Lights Metropolitan Com- munity Church of Vermont and New Hampshire now has ahome at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Montpelier. North- ern Lights meets each Sunday ay 4:00 p.m. For the last Sunday of July, Reverend Phillip Ray Birchard, a UFMCC elder who was a pastor in New York City, St. Louis, Minneapolis, and Honolulu and now based In San Francisco, will be a guest preacher. During Labor Day weekend, Rever- end Joe Fischer, former pastor of Ray of Hope MCC in Syracuse NY, will preach. The UFMCC Northern District fall conference will be held on September 28- 30 in Buffalo NY. The theme for the confer- ence is "Celebrating and Strengthening our Relationships." For more infonnation about Northern Lights MCC and the upcoming events, call 888-201 1. Vermont Gay Social Alternatives This past February, a new social group was formed to meet the needs of gay and les- bian people looking for an alternative to the bar scene as a means of meeting people. Vermont Gay Social Altemalives (VGSA) has so far nearly one hundred and forty members, twenty of whom are women. Members come from all over Vermont as well as New Hampshire and New York. Past events have included a catered lunch in April, a "Beach Day" at Burling- ton's North Beach, and a lawn party during Gay Pride Day. Each event has attracted ap- proximately twenty to fifty people. VGSA is planning another "Beach Day" on July 22 at Lake Dunmore. There A ugust 1990 are also plans to do events jointly with Social Alternatives for Men (SAM). The events are for the most part non-alcoholic, so that all ages can attend. Membership dues are six dollars per year to cover the costs of monthly mail- ings. For more information about VGSA and its upcoming events, write to VGSA, PO Box 277, Winooski VT 05454-0277 or call 893-6935. Fly By Night Players to Present "Bent" The Fly By Night Players, a local ad hoc theater troupe, is planning to produce "Bent" by Martin Sherman this fall in Burl- ington. "Bent" is a play about the persecution of homosexuals during the Holocaust. Its powerful message is intended to educate the community about gay consciousness. The Players are looking for commu- nity members interested in being involved with the production. Anyone who has ex- perience in theatrical productions or is interested in volunteering to make this happen, please contact the group at 860- 1477. OITM T-Shirts! Be the first on your block to sport this stunning fashion statement in purple and white! These are the SAME Out in the Mountains T-shirts featured in the unannounced Wet T- Shirt Contest in the Montpelier Pride Parade! The front features our masthead (with just the words "Out in the Mountains") and "A Vermont Area Resource" is printed on the back along with a silhouette of the state. Order yours today and tell the world that you too are OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS! NAME ADDRESS SHIRT SIZE (S, M, L, XL): Payment ($12 per shirt plus 4% sales tax - $12.48 total) must accompany order. Orders will be processed after September 15, 1990, with delivery expected in early October. This offer may not be repeated. Order now or forever wear your boring Body Gloves. Sesxuality, Substance Abuse, Partners in Recovery and Growth Inc., Therapists Erica Marks, S.A.C., A.C.H., Director Giita Clark, Associate Sherry Hunt B.A., A.C.H., Associate Spirituality, Parenting, Gestalt, T.A., Hypno- sis, Individuals, Couples, Families, Groups 182 Main St. Burlington, VT 05401 Sliding fee scale Phone: 865-2403