Dear OI TM : I'm encouraged to write to you as you statedthat you'd like some input on the personal ad debate. I've been in Vermont (The Brandon! Middlebury area) for a few years and have been thoroughly isolated from a gay com- munity. I'd like to know if there are others who are similarly inclined living nearby. It isn't easy or economical to always be 1111']- ning up to Burlington or down to Brattle- boro for events. I'm a young lesbian who I'm sure also speaks for gay men with the same problem. I'd like to see a way for gays and lesbians to meet with each other, perhaps by mail to special box number, etc. Many newspapers (for the heterosex- ual population) have personal ad sections which have helped hundreds of people make contact with each other. Many of us don't like the bar scene and would like to be up front as to who we are as people: what our ages, lifestyles, and interests are, etc. People with similar situ- ations or interests can respond to ads di- rectly, rather than spending months or years trying to find love or companionship. Please consider what I have written. If we can find each other out there, we will better be able to link up from networks and become more empowered as a minority population. Paula Dear 01 TM : Out in the Mountains is one of my principal and vital sources of information about the concerns of the local gay and lesbian community. The paper has infor- mation that can only be found through this source. It is an important bond for all of us in Vennont and a positive reminder that we are important to each other. $5.00 (U.S.$) In your last issue of June/July, I was disappointed to see another rehashing of the sad events surrounding the beating of Roger Macomber. While this is important news for our community, there are other events which also need your vital coverage. I do not belittle the tragic significance of this crime nor of the outstanding show of support that was the Vigil. Both of these were more thoroughly covered by the mainstream media. By headlining the issue with this event, an important article thatcan only be heard of here was sidetracked to Page 13. The then-upcoming Vermont Pride Day was one of the principal occa- sions where we could stand in solidarity for who we are and what we believe in. This event should therefore be banner news in your publication. I believe that it is important that we ac- centuate the positive aspects of being a gay, lesbian, or bisexual person in Vermont and the unity that we all share. I look forward to the next issue of Out in the Mountains. David Hurley Stowe OITM Update The next issue of OITM will be dis- tributed on September 1, and we are hoping to initiate two things: 1) a series of Profiles of men and women who are making a difference for and within the gay, lesbian, and bisexual communities (our interview with Howdy Russell is sort of the first of these profiles), and 2)a sense of theme for each issue (we hope to focus on "Back to School" for September). We encourage our readers to submit ideas, letters, stories, and whatever else you can to help us to strengthen the re- gional and personal scope of this paper. GOLDEN THREADS 0 Contact publication for lesbians over 50 and women who love older women. Conodd ond U.S. Confidential, worm, reli- dble. For free information send se|f—dd- dressed envelope; (U.S. residents @9059 stamp it). Sdmple copy mdiled discreetly, P.O. BOX 3l77, Burlington, VT 05401 August 1990 Are your car insurance rates driving you up the Compare Allstate rates. Ellen Hetherington 863-3808 /Illstater Allstate Insurance Compan)’. N0|'Ihb|’00k- “-