Out in the Mountains Burlington’s Complete Bookstore 6? Your Best Resource for Books of Concern to the Gay 59’ Lesbian Community Current favorites include: Harper & Row, Harper & Row, $17.95 - The Feminist g Press, $10.95 CAN & B BOOKSELLERS One Church Street Marketplace Burlington, VT 0 (802) 862-4332 Outside the Burlington area Call toll-free 1-800-NEW-BOOK Howdy Russell Kicks Off Campaign Howard Russell, more commonly known to many of us as “Howdy,” has been a long-time leader in the gay community and is now setting his sights on the Vermont Senate. Howdy grew up on a dairy farm in Hinesburg, attended college at the Univer- sity of Vennont, and has earned degrees in Dairy Science, Education, and Counseling Psychology. For the past decade he has worked at the Parent Child Center of Mid- dlebury. One of Howdy's most recent achieve- ments was the formation of OUTRIGHT Vermont, an organization which seeks to create and provide information and pro- gramming for young gay men and lesbians. Gay rights are only part of Howdy’s political agenda, however. In addition, he seeks to establish policies that will increase the quality of child-care and support human services programs available in Vermont, to endorse plans for a more progressive sys- tem of taxation, to maintain a constant concern and respect for the state’s environ- ment, and to defend the pro-choice rights of women. “I believe that we need openly gay people serving in positions of leadership in this state,” Howdy explained in a recent mailing to supporters. “Our children need visible role models to help them adjust to the wonderful diversity that surrounds them.” To that end, Howdy has selected as a campaign motto, “For our children, for our future...he1p broaden the vision." Anyone wishing to support Howdy’s candidacy can write for more information to “Howard Russell for Senate,” PO Box 465, Hinesburg, Vermont 05461. There will also be acampaign kick-off for Howdy at the Burlington Boathouse at 11 a.m. on Saturday,June 9th,towhichallmembers of the gay, lesbian, and bisexual communities are cordially invited. Burlington College Endorses Gay Rights Legislation The Burlington College Council, comprised of students, faculty, alumni, staff and trustees, unanimously endorsed a proposal extending civil rights protective legislation to lesbians and gay men. “Burlington College already has a policy prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, and we feel strongly that the time has come for the State of Vermont to enact legislation stating that discrimination based on sexual orientation is unacceptable and illegal,” said Jan Pas- sion, the College Affirmative Action Offi- Cgnwoo W2 Surroundings J (I1/LOT‘ Lower Waterford Rd., E. Barnet, Vermont 05821 (802) 633-4047 cer and the Assistant Director of Financial Aid. “This is a struggle about the right to love. Both Wisconsin and Massachusetts have adopted lesbian and gay rights legisla- tion, and we believe that Vennont should do the same,” he said. This endorsement follows the defeat of House Resolution 21 1 (legislation which would prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation) last year. “This en- dorsement is one small step towards ending pain and oppression in Vermont,” Passion said. INN KEE PE RS: Peter and Ron Warmth Charm Tranquil Country