R.I. Expected to Pass Gay Rights Bill The Rhode Island Senate recently passed a statute in that state designed to provide equal rights for lesbians and gay men. Rep. Linda Kushner (D-Providence), who is the chief House sponsor of the bill, expects, that it will pass in the House of Representatives this June. If the bill is approved, Rhode Island will become the third state in the nation to provide equal rights for gay men and lesbi- ans. Massachusetts was the most recent state to pass such a bill; Wisconsin adopted such an amendment seven years ago. Sen. Sean Coffey (D-Providence), the chief sponsor of the bill, mentioned that in a recent local poll, 79 percent of the public supported civil rights for lesbians and gay men. President Bush Signs Hate Crimes Law President George Bush signed the Federal Hate Crimes Statistic Act at a public White House ceremony on April 23. The historic event marked the first time legislation that includes sexual orientation has ever been signed into law by a Presi- dent, and the first time openly gay and lesbian leaders and activists have been invited to such a White House event. The U.S. Senate passed the bill on February 8 this year by a 92 to 4 vote after defeating an attempt by Jesse Helms (R- NC) to attach an anti-gay amendment to the law. The House passed the bill last June 27 by a 368 to 47 margin. The bill takes effect this year. Frank to Run Again Congressman Barney Frank an- nounced that he would l'l.lIl again for the U.S. House of Representatives from the4th Congressional District of Massachusetts. Tim McFeeley, Executive Director of the Human Rights Campaign Fund, called Frank “one of the best friends that lesbian and gay Americans have ever had in gov- ernment, and we are delighted that his voice will continue to be heard." Frank is widely Partners in Recovery and Growth, Therapist Erica Marks, B.A.S.A.C. & Giita Clark Substance Abuse, Sexuality, Parenting, Grief] Gestalt, Spirituality, Individuals, Couples, Families, Groups Hearthstone Assoc. 182 Main St. Burlington, VT 05401 Sliding fee scale Phone: 865-2403 viewed as one of the brightest and most effective members of Congress. In the last election - the first after he had publicly acknowledged that he was gay - Frank won with 70 percent of the vote. Because of his recent Ethics Committee investigation, Frank is likely to face more serious opposi- tion this November, but he seems to retain much of the broad-base of support he has enjoyed since his first election. New Backers for Gay Rights Bill The Human Rights Campaign Fund has announced that three additional mem- bers of Congress have joined as co-spon- sors of the Gay and Lesbian Civil Rights Bill. The three are Sen. Clairbome Pell (D- RI), Rep. Gerry Sikorski (D-MN), and New York’s newest member, Rep. Jose Serrano (D-NY). The Results Are Out A national survey of 1,740 lesbian and gay couples found relationships averaging nearly six years in length, even though the average respondent was only 35 years old. More than 100 couples had passed their 15th anniversary. The statistics are the first to emerge from a final analysis of research begun in 1988 by Partners Newsletter for Gay and Lesbian Couples. A free summary of the results may be obtained by sending the publication a self- addressed, stamped business-size enve- lope. A detailed analysis will appear in the May/June issue of the magazine, which can be obtained for $3.95. Send requests and payment to Partners, Box 9685, Seattle WA 98109. Pack Your Tux’n’Toothbrush A l5tli anniversary celebration of the introduction of the Federal Gay and Les- bian Civil Rights Bill will be held in Wash- ington DC this June. The gala reception, sponsored by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF), will mark the bill’s progress in Congress and honor cosponsors and political allies of the legislation. Gays '9 June-July 1990 and lesbians around the country are invited to attend. The Civil Rights Bill was first intro- duced by fonner Congresswoman Bella Abzug and has garnered more support each year. Today, 79 Representatives and ten Senators support the legislation. For more information on the gala, call Jaime Grant at (202)-332-6483. Feeling Overlooked? Overlooked Opinions, Inc. (001), the first opinion research firm dedicated to’ assessing the attitudes and opinions of the lesbian, gay, and bisexual communities, has formed a National Opinion Panel of lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals. “The response has been tremendous,” says Rick Dean, Vice President of 001. “In the panel’s first month over 1,000 people have joined. Further, current members have sent in an additional 5,000 names of lesbian, gay, and bisexual friends, family, and asso- ciates. We are very excited about the re- sponse. The bigger our panel is the more accurately it represents our community!” Every lesbian, gay, and bisexual is invited to participate in OOI research by calling (312)-792-7800 or writing 001, 3712 N. Broadway, Suite 277, Chicago IL 60613. Protest Cardinal Law ACT UP/Boston, the Reproductive Rights Network, and the Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights are sponsor- ing a demonstration to protest Cardinal Law’s attempt to impose his religious doctrine onto society through public pol- icy. Cardinal Law is against AIDS educa- tion in the public schools, denies women’s rights to abortion, and actively opposes the gay civil rights bill. The demonstration will be held on the morning of June 16th at the Holy Cross Cathedral on Washington Street in Bos- ton’s South End. To endorse this effort or for more information, please contact Michael Galvin at 354-6562 or Liz Highleyman at 253-6693, or write to AC1‘ UP/Boston at 338 Newbury Street, Boston MA 02115. Boycott of the Month! This month it's time to quit smoking once and for all, especially if you puff away at Marlboros. The Philip Morris Company, which produces the cigarettes, has recently donated $200,000 for the construction of a museum honoring Senator Jesse Helms, one of the most notorious anti-gay politi- cianscin government today.