Out in the Mountains Join The Fight Suppon The Vermont Coalition of Lesbians and Gay Men in their work to pass legislation guaranteeing equal rights to Lesbians and Gay men in Ver- mont and insuring protection for People With AIDS and HIV+ persons. Contribute to our cause and add your name to our mailing list. We need your help. D Yes, I want to be a part of making Vermont safer for Gays and Lesbians. Add my name to your mailing list DAccept my contribution of to help with expenses and general coalition building efforts. See Address on VT Resources Page Name Address Phone THANK YOU! I. 1, ‘Sf;-:1‘ A wyouwould,nketo run on dd in.j'OlIM{ pl"eo’§e_. con- » ?.lC!¢T’ 0.? .fOf,1T¢‘l9.5:'$5Z93z Ond. b" “mailed to I,O‘ITM,‘:P._O“. 5402.or llElle of(8,02): il,j,8lbC¥1922.it'i -I _ Copy ‘ rifhs’is_sue cepyecan 7 Dear OIT M , As a child I read a story written by Dr. Seuss entitled Horton Hears a Who. Until April 20 I had forgotten the story and al- most lost its powerful message. In the story, Horton is the only sup- porter for an entire group of people. The “Whos” are very tiny people who live to- gether on a dust speck. No one else believes the Whos exist, yet they want to destroy the dust speck. They weren’t listening, so they couldn't hear the Whos. As in any child’s story, good triumphs over evil. To save themselves, the Whos join their voices together in a chorus of “We are here! We are here! We are here!” Said convincingly enough and loudly enough, it could not be ignored. On April 20, sitting in the Unitarian Universalist Church surrounded by hun- dreds of gay, lesbian, and straight people, I was reminded of this story. We were united. It was a joining together of our voices and our hearts to let the rest of the world know that “We are here!” As long as we hold on to the strength and power in our spirit of unitedness, we will make it obvi- ous to those who choose not to hear us that we, too, are here. We are part of the com- munity, and we belong to that community. Michael Warner, Bridport Dear OITM, I have been in a relationship for the past two years, but most of that time has been spent apart because she lives and goes to college in England and I do the same here. After she graduates, she plans to come live with me here, but that may mean mar- rying a man for convenience just to obtain residency so that she can work. Neither one of us wants to give up our citizenship, but if I have to I will. We are very much in love and want to spend the rest of our lives together, but we need information so that we may know how to go about it. Is there any other way other than to marry? She plans to come here sometime in August. Please reply to this letter if you can provide more information or refer me to the appropriate sources. Thanks. R Dear OITM Readers, Are you a Gay or Lesbian Catholic, former Catholic, Episcopalian, or other Christian believer who has longed for a more open and understanding Church, a more meaningful workship service, or a faith community rooted in mutual respect and fellowship? As a practicing Catholic in the Springfield, VT/Claremont, NH area, I have longed for just such a miracle and I would like to find out if there are others in this area who might share my hopes. As partof my coming outprocess a few years ago, I joined a group called Dignity. This is an international organization of Catholic gay men, lesbians, friends and families united to promote spiritual devel- opment, social justice, and the acceptance of gays and lesbians in the church and in society. Unfortunately, the nearest Dignity chapter is in Boston and the nearest Integ- rity chapter is in Burlington (Integrity is a similar Episcopalian organization). As (continued on page 12) __________ _ _ _| , SAVE $5 AND SUBSCRIBE NOW! , | It's true - as of the next issue, it will cost $20 per year for OITM due to our new | |12-month-a-year schedule. By subscribing now, not only will you guarantee I delivery to your mailbox (in a discreet envelope, of course) and help underwrite I the cost of publishingthe newspaper, but you also save yourself the $5 increase. | We also welcome contributions to support our continuing existence. Checks | I should be made payable to OITM and sent, along with this form, to: OITM, P.O. I Box 177, Burlington, Vennont 05402. I Name I Address __ One-year ($15) __ Low-income ($7) __ Donation ($_______) I Donations are especially welcome from those who prefer to pick up OITM at one of the paper's distribution points rather than be added to the mailing list. L___ Please also let us know if you'd like to get involved in the newspaper. _J