Out in the Mountains ’p’ “or 0rit”“i’n'the Moun- jtgzirtsis to serve;as’a‘ voice for lesbians, .gay"men’, Vbisexiials, and our supporters in Ver‘rnont.‘\V_'e "the" newspaper to be a source of information, support and ‘ aermnauon. "i.Wefj¥'also' OITM as ‘a Eyehicle for celebration‘ of goodness I andidivertsity o_f"th'_e__’ lesbian,‘ gay, and bisexual cornrnunitiessi > Ed1tor1al'Pol1cy I i We will considerfor publication any material which broadens our under- standing of our lifestylesand of each ‘other. Views andopinions appearing in the” paperdo not necessarily represent will not endorse any candidates and ac- tions‘ ofpublie of_ficials’on issuesof importance to lesbians,‘ gay men, and bisexuals; V ' We will notpublish any material which is overtly racist, sexist, anti-Se- mitic, ageist, classist, or homophobic. ‘ All materials submitted must be signedso we can contact the author should we need its considereditorial revisions. However, within the pages of the newspaper, articles may appear an-" onymous1y.upon request, andstrict con-; fidentiality will be observed. No revi- sions or rejections of ' materials will oc-‘ cur without dialogue 'with"the‘autl1or. f"'We. welcome‘-‘ and‘ encourage all tionand"jto share your "comments, criti- _ cisms, and positivefeelings with us. This paper is’_here"'for”you.;'Ihe"deadline for submitting material for eachissue is the »7th of the month publication.-":1'* .._i Materials should _ ,_ Out iu’rhe‘Maun‘ ‘ ins" ; POBox 177 j “ v.:Burlinglb sent to: 054°?) those of the staff. This paper cannot and A readers tosubmit materials forpublica- 3 wé"encburag”ejourjre ders‘jto‘partici- pate: in bringing hi . blicaticgn-to gayflesbian, andbjsexual Vermont- ers. PIease’assisttis’p by Subrnittingar- ticles ' no .longer than two ‘ ‘double- spaced typed pages and letters to the editor no ..tonge,r"’7thari”=' one double spaced typed page. Your submission should be received by OITM noilater than‘ the 7th of the previous ‘month. Tha'*l