14 Spring Lesbian Writers Series starts! Ellen Frye, author of The Other Sappho and Look Under the Hawthorne, will read from her newest work. Free. Everyone's Books, Brattleboro. 7:00 p.m. 18 Howard Russell will speak on "Hetero- sexism and Homophobia" in Upper Proctor Lounge at Middlebury College, 7:00 p.m. 21 OITM general meeting at 30 Elmwood Ave, 1:00 p.m. 22-29 The Women's Rape Crisis Center is sponsoring a a week of events (some listed below) to recognize Sexual Assault Aware- ness Month: 22 EARTH DAY 1990 10 K Road Race to benefit the Women's Rape Crisis Center. Start at the Community Boathouse, Burlington, 9:00 a.m. For more information, call 864-0555. 24 Short Films (including the feature "Work- ing Girls") examining multi-cultural issues surrounding rape. Billings Theater, UVM, 6:00 p.m. 26 Women Rhythm, a night celebrating women's poetry, music, drama, and dance performed by local artists. Community Boathouse, Burlington, 7:00 p.m. 28 Take Back the -Night. A march to speak out against violence against women. Rally, 6:00 p.m. March starts at 7: 15, followed by a gathering in front of Burlington's City Hall featuring poetry, music, and candles. 28 W.O.W. Newcomers and Games Party in Williamstown, 6:30 p.m. 30 Brian McNaught, author of On Being Gay, will speak on "Homophobia: The Toll That it Takes on All of Us" at the Ira Allen Chapel of UVM, 7:30 p.m. 1 Brian McNaught will lead a workshop entitled "Understanding and Responding to the Needs of Gay and Lesbian People" at Marble Island. Cost is $45.00. Call 656- 4050 for more information. 5 Spring Lesbian Writers Series contin- ues! Patricia Roth Schwartz will read from her collection of lesbian fiction The Names of the Moons of Mars. Free. Every- one's Books, Brattleboro, 7:00 p.m. S Metropolitan Community Church start- up meeting, Silver Ridge Road in Morris- ville. CaH 253-9983 for more information. 9 _ OUTRIGHT Vermont meeting at 30 Elmwood Avenue, 6:30 p.m. 11 W.O.W. Bonfire and Singalong, Worc- ester, 7:00 p.m. 25 OITM Envelope Stuffing Party, 30 Elmwood Ave., 8:00 p.m. Call 388-6503 for more information. m April-May 1990 ONGOING Northeast Kingdom AIDS Support Group. 7pm Open to anyone who is HIV positive as well as their family members, friends and significant others. Meetings are held privately in Hardwick. They are infor- mal and anonymity is respected by all. For more info call Ken or Ed at (802)472-6583. Bisexual/Lesbian Women's Group forming. Cambridge/Johnson Area. Thursday eves. Call Marcia at644-8331 for - more information. Evangelicals Concerned. For gay and lesbian Christians and their friends. Contact Miki Thomas, c/o Cooperative Christian Ministry, Christ Church Presby- terian, Redstone Campus, UVM, Burling- ton, VT 05405 or call (802)656-3882. Co-housing: A Vision of Commu- nity. Do you dream of living with other people as part of a larger community, but still need space you can call your own? A group is beginning to explore a new option: co-housing, an international community to be created somewhere in mral Chittenden County. For more info call Jan 655-001 1 or Larry 655-9446. Gay and Lesbian Arts Collective forming. Middlebury Area. Forum to dis- cuss the production and exhibition of origi- nal artwork, the writing and reading of fiction or poetry, and possibly expanding into music, film, and video. For more infor- mation call Hugh at 388-6503. Support Group for HIV+ and People with AIDS, 2nd and 4th Mondays at 7:30 in St. Johnsbury. Call 1-800-622- 4122 or 748-3391. Sponsored by ACAP. FRIDAY, MAY 4 - MONDAY, MAY 7, 6:30 8: 3:30 C ° 0 O N Stories from the Quilt As powerful and moving a documentary as you will ever see. People THE SAVOY TH EATER 26 Main Street - Montpelier - Vermont» 229-0509