by Dave Brian McNaught, whose first appear- ance at the University of Vermont in the spring of 1982 was extremely controversial and highly publicized, will be returning to Vermont to give a public lecture on April 30 and a day-long workshop on May 1. During his free public lecture, McNaught will tell his own story of grow- ing up and dealing with his homosexuality and the impact that “coming out” had on him, his employment, his family, and his future. That presentation, “Homophobia: The Toll it Takes on All of Us,” will take place on Monday evening, April 30, at 7:30 p.m. in the Ira Allen Chapel on the campus of the University of Vermont in Burlington. McNaught’s story is not only inspiring and empowering, but his presentation helps people to realize that they are in charge of their own lives, and that with courage and support they can learn to love themselves and share the unique gifts they have to give as gay men and lesbians. A reception will follow the evening presentation. The day-long workshop will take place on Tuesday, May 1, at Marble Island, and is entitled “Understanding and Re- sponding to the Needs of Gay and Lesbian People.” The cost of the workshop is $45.00 and includes lunch. This workshop is for people who wish to understand more about homosexuality and who wish to be better prepared and more comfortable in responding to the needs of gay and lesbian clients, whether those clients be in a doctor’s office, a class- room, ahealth care facility,oracounselor’s office. Gay Book Awards The Gay and Lesbian Task Forceof the American Library Association is pleased to armounce its winners of the 1990 Gay/ lesbian Book Awards. For fiction, the award goes to Eighty-Silxed by David Fein- berg (New York: Viking). Neil Miller's In Search of Gay America: Woman and Men in a Time of Change (New York: Atlantic Monthly Press) was selected as the non- fiction winner. In addition, the Task Force announced the winner of its first Award for Excep- tional Achievement, Armistead Maupin, for his “Tales of the City” series of six novels. , Brian McNaught to Spea at U McNaught’s first book, A Disturbed Peace, was published in 1981. As I have done homophobia workshops myself with a variety of groups over the past several years, I have often quoted from passages of that book, especially from the chapter “I Like It.” Since his first book’s publication, McNaught has been a freelance writer and an educational consultant and lecturer addressing the topics of homosexuality, homophobia, acceptance, family, and faith. His new book, On Being Gay: Thoughts on Family, F aith, and Love is excellent and includes some of the best chapters of his first book along with several new thoughts and ideas generated by his experiences. His chapters on “Oppressing Ourselves” and “Living for Yourself” are of particular - A pril—Ma y 1990 value and offer each of us challenges we may or may not be ready to face. “Listening to the Voice Within” also manages to make us think - not once, not twice, but several times about paying attention to our gut feelings: “The voice within is a person’s best friend. It is also a troublemaker. The voice within sings an anthem of independence. Listening to it can make you feel dissatis- fied with the way things are. Listening to it can prompt you to do and say things you never imagined were within you. Follow- ing its call to action can create all sorts of trouble.” (p. 161) Posters and brochures on McNaught’s lecuire and workshop can be obtained by calling the UVM Office of Human Devel- opment Studies at 656-4050. Kstephen & Burns ‘ Taft Corners Shopping Center Williston VT 05495 878-64 13 K ‘hair and nail care -— cosmetics J <4TWIouutazu2/tea» ANIMAL INN DOG & CAT BOARDING OBEDIENCE CLASSES Carol Skow& Claudia Cook Fairfax, Vt “Your Best Friend's Home Away From Home" -Modern ind0or—c-utdoor runs - Separate cat room -24 hour supervision by liscensed Animal Health Technician PROFESSIONAL ALL BREED DOG & CAT GROOMING °From Perfect Poodles to Marvelous Mutts -Consultations For Behavioral Problems DOG FOOD & PET SUPPLIES AVAILABLE 524-4574 member American Boarding KOAIIIII Auociation -