AIDS Emergency Legislation Introduced Senators Alan Cranston (D-CA), Edward Kennedy (D-MA), and Orrin Hatch (R-UT) have introduced the Com- prehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act of 1990. The legislation consists of a two—pronged approach: immediate finan- cial assistance to communities hardest hit by the epidemic and assistance to all states and communities to develop comprehen- sive care programs in order to avert disaster down the road. Under Title 1, $300 million would be authorized to assist metropolitan areas that have reported more than 200 cases of AIDS. Under Title II, $300 million would be authorized to assist states and localities in establishing and operating consortia or networks of services to care for people with AIDS that focus on community-based care. In this outline of the legislation, Sena- tor Cranston stated that “As the number of AIDS cases continues to grow...more and more communities across the country will have difficulties responding to the crisis. San Francisco has been a pioneer in devel- oping a new model of providing services in the community to people with 1ife-threat- ening disease...all at a lower cost per patient than other cities. The increasing caseload is making it difficult to continue providing that level of service. We must begin now to develop a system of care that is compas- sionate and cost-effective.” Both San Francisco and Los Angeles have each seen more than 7500 cases of AIDS. “We haven’t encountered an epi- demic of this magnitude in decades,” stated Cranston. “(It) requires an invest- ment in activities to prevent the further spread of the disease and to keep people infected with the HIV productive and healthy.” HRCF Backs Health Bill for Women HCRF will give women's cancer leg- islation a high priority on its advocacy agenda. Executive Director Tim McFeeley armounced that Kathleen Stoll, Lesbian Is- sues and Outreach Director for HRCF, will spearhead the effort to increase govem- ment funding for preventative health ser- vices and education about breast, uterine, and ovarian cancer. Stoll explained why cancer is on the lesbian issues agenda: “Women who have never had children are at greater risk for these forms of cancer. The tragedy of these often preventable deaths in the lesbian community is another example of the fail- ure of our country’s health care system.” The Breast and Cervical Cancer Mor- tality Prevention Act of 1990 would estab- lish a new Public Health Service grants program to provide preventative health screening and referral services for low- income women. The grants to provide these services would be awarded directly to the states. Ve/mo/It“ Cmrrrfitr 802 0 862 I 8485 I29/(110.92/zzfzrsis Counseling and Education Michael Gigante, Ph.D. l96 Battery Street 0 Burlington, Vennont 05401 Forconfidenfial AIDS Information Call 1-800-882-AIDS PEACE on EARTH STORE I Books, Games, Clothing. Nicaraguan Coffee, The Fate of the Earth Rainforest Crunch, more... I Gifts for Friends Who Care About 186 College Street (upstairs) 863-8326 M-F 10-5; SAT 1-5 863-8326 Dina Afek, M.A. ° Lifedand Career Crises Green Mountain Counseling Associates i11 Feminist Therapy Carol E. Cohen, M.S.W. - Substance Abuse and Insurance No Charge for Accepted Phone Consultation David M. Ross, ACSW Certified Clinical Social Worker Individual, Couples & Group Therapy April-May 1990 ' Infertility Co-dependency Bollan House ' Gay and Lesbian positive - Troubled relationships 96 South Unlonstreet (802) 8623101 ' Individuals, Couples‘, Groups ° Sliding Fee Bu”mgt°n§_vt' 05401 Burlington 864-5595 ‘ _ 1o5 Hill St., Barre, vs. 05641 ‘ (802) 479-2115 7 % "*4