Dear 01 TM , It is with great pleasure that we encour- age the efforts of Out in the Mountains to continue publication. It is Vermont’s only news magazine for Lesbians and Gay Men and their supporters. For the past three years,» Vertnont’s Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (P-FLAG) has been listed in this publica- tion as a resource to the community. This has led to many referrals to P-FLAG from parents as well as lesbians and gay men. 0IT M provides a valuable networking service in this respect. In this rural New England state, there is a significant population of lesbians and gay men who need all the help they can get to maintain networking services. Many live in isolated areas. OITM is one instrument that helps bring our community together. It is also read by many supporters of the gay community. Without it, we would be more isolated from one another. We would also lose coverage of civil rights issues impor- tant to our community which are poorly reported in the popular press. P-FLAG of Southwestern Vermont loves and supports our lesbian daughters, gay sons, and all our gay and non-gay parents and friends. OITM is an invaluable asset for us because it is a primary way in which our organization is publicized. OIT M is important as a news source, a feature magazine, and a networking serv- ice. We strongly urge its continuation. Yours sincerely, Julie and Peter Cooper, Rutland Dear OIT M , I am really upset to see the word “bi- sexuals” on our masthead, and I think you owe us an explanation. (Ed note: Agreed. Read the editorial.) How can you justify this change without any consultation or input from the gay and lesbian community? fig is pushing for this change? As far as I am aware, there is no “bisexual” commu- nity that is visible and organized and work- ing for their issues (whatever they are). Let the bisexuals first stand up and identify themselves, then do something for them- selves (and us) before we simply include April-May 1990 them. I think this is a bogus issue being pushed by one or two misguided souls whose real goal is to divide the lesbian and gay community, as happened in Northamp- ton MA recently. Sincerely, R. M., Montpelier Dear “New” OIT M, Congratulations! And thanks! It is extremely gratifying and restores peace and hope and faith to the soul to witness this outpouring from our entire Vermont community and the real results: a lifeline thrown out to the lifeline that has been OITM in the past. Certainly there will be changes — there must be, with new infusions of fresh blood and energy. That is a true sign of life and en- sures renewed growth and this help to many around the state. Best of luck, and especially of more workers and resources to enhance your effective good works. Most sincerely and gratefully, Gilles, Burlington The Passion of Pearls 135 Pearl Street Burlington, Vermont