In a move challenged by NGLTF, two officials of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recently denounced a labor contract that would extend domestic partnership benefits to the federal agency’s gay and lesbian employees. The officials claimed that provisions which “redefine the family to include non-traditional living arrange- ments” are “illegal.” Meanwhile, Woodward and Lothrop department stores in Washington DC changed its employee spouse discount cards to include same-sex couples and added sexual orientation to its EEO clause. Can Sears be far behind? NGLTF blasted U.S. immigration pol- icy for discriminating against people with AIDS and HIV at a recent press confer- ence held by the National AIDS Commis- sion. NIAID and NIH now have an 800 number to make information on their AIDS studies more readily available to health care practitioners and prospective patients. The number is 800-AIDS-NIH (243-7644) and is operational M-F from 12-3 p.m. EST. The Campaign to End Homophobia has made available a series of Lesbian and Gay Youth pamphlets “designed for young people who are questioning their sexual orientation." For more information or copies of the pamphlets, contact Cooper Thompson at 617-868-8280. A new education and training program for young lesbian and gay activists has been launched by the Califomia-based Critical Literacy Institute (2338 Market Street, San Francisco CA 94114) in the first national effort to locate and encour- age the next generation of gay and lesbian leaders. The New Pacific Academy will open in June this year. mum Lesbian Contra Dance at Prince’s Hall in Pumey, VT. The caller will be Cindy Green; dances will be taught and beginners are welcome. $4-$6; no lesbian turned away for lack of money. For more info, call Ashli at 387-5507. All womyn welcome. .Mm2h_Ll Women of the Woods (W.O.W.) Brunch in Plainfield, 10:30 a.m. For more infonna- tion about this and following W.O.W. events, call 229-0109. Mach 15 An Evening of Poetry with four local les- bian writers at the Pumey Federated Church in Putney, VT, 7:00 p.m. $2—$4 requested; no lesbian turned away for lack of cash. For more info, call Ashli at 387-5507. Mmh ljz W.O.W. St. Patrick's Day Party in Worc- ester, 6 p.m. Magch 25 W.O.W. T-shirt Contest and Brunch in Calais, 10 a.m. Magph 31 “Hillbilly Women:” true stories from the lives of Southern Appalachian mountain women told by storyteller Jennifer Justice at the Fourth Annual Northern New England Tradeswomen Conference, Vermont Col- lege Chapel, College Ave, Montpelier, VT, 8:00 p.m. Formore information, call Pat Star at (603)-448-5578. March 1990 April I am 8 The Gay Nineties: Challenging Homo- phobia, a workshop presented by Suzanne Pharr. Contact Cindy Watson at the Women's Center at 748-8645. April 8 Celebrate the Second Anniversary of W.O.W. at a brunch in Worcester at 10:30 a.m. ‘ April 13 W.O.W. "House of T'ang" dinner in Montpelier at 6:30 p.m. April 13 OITM Envelope Stuffing Party at 30 Elmwood Ave, Burlington, 8 p.m. Call 388-6503 ahead of time just to be sure. April 28 W.O.W. Newcomers and Games Party in Williamstown, 6:30 p.m. April 3;} Brian McNaught will give a talk at the Ira Allen Chapel at UVM. n in Gay Men's Chorus, 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month at Christ Church Presbyte- rian, Redstone Campus, UVM. Contact Bob Zuner at 658-5136. The Northeast Kingdom AIDS Coalition offers support groups for people who are I-HV+ and their friends, families, and care- givers. For more info, call 472-6291. ‘ “%y‘¢ar ($1 __ d ik ’"to’get‘