nus... .. .,. ._.... 4 Out in the Mounta _ittirttsm it at VERMONT'S NEWSPAPVER FOR BISEXUALS, LESBIANS AND GAY MEN Volume V, Number 1 Out in the Mountains, contrary to its name, may have been down but it’s cer- tainly not out, at leastnot in that sense of the word. An outpouring of help and support from 0ITM’s readership has resurrected the paper and saved it from the point of collapse. A lack of volunteers and burnout among the core members of the collective had put 01 TM on hold and drawn dire wam- ings that the last issue was just that - the last issue. However, a meeting on February 17th to determine the future of 01 TM drew nearly 45 people from across the state to the Fletcher Free Library in Burlington and showed that OIT M must continue to fill a need among the gay, lesbian, and bisexual population in Vermont (especially those living in remote areas) to receive news on local and national events as well as listings of resources and connections. Among the ideas the group came up with for the long-terrn survival of OIT M was the hiring of a part-time coordinator paid for by a number of grants. The duties of the coordinator would include serving as a liaison to the community as a whole, doing office tasks such as responding to mail, and organizing the volunteers in their As OITM rises Phoenix-like from the hot ashes of spectacular bum-out, we’d like to thank those people who helped make the first four years possible, especially those people who pushed themselves to and beyond the point of bum-out in order to make sure that the paper survived. We're indebted eternally. Though the paper you now hold is but four pages long, we felt it best to get the word OUT that the paper is NOT folding, and that it will return in bigger and better shape as time goes on in response to the fact March 1990 respective duties as they get the paper out. It was also decided that the paper needed to branch out more to other parts of the state as a means of preventing future burnout among collective members. Ideas to harness such energy included the estab- lishment of satellite groups around the state, movement of the paper from commu- nity to community, or the use of existing local organizations such as college groups for support. Following discussion on the above is- sues, the group broke up into three commit- tees: financial, structural, and publishing. The financial group discussed the pres- ent fiscal state of 017‘ M as well as future potential sources of income. In particular, they addressed means by which the paper might hire acoordinator. Plans for an 01 TM fund-raising party may soon be on the drawing board to supplement the paper’s income. The publishing group drew up a list of ideas as to the content, format, and overall look of OITM. Suggestions included switching to newsprint in order to include more articles and advertising per issue, working out a satellite system around the state to get more local and regional Ver- that gay, lesbian, and bisexual activities everywhere in Vemiont are still thriving. Though there was no room or time to include ads in this issue, we’d like to ex- press our heartfelt thanks to all those busi- nesses and individuals who have advertised in OH M and kept the paper alive finan- cially. We will resume regular advertising in the mid-April issue. We hope that our readers will express their personal thanks to all of our present and previous advertisers by supporting their businesses and letting them know that saw them in 0IT M . OITM Alive and Kicking mont news, and making OITM a news monthly with a larger, quarterly features supplement. One immediate change en- acted was the acknowledgement of bisexu- als in the paper’s readership; check out the new wording at the top of the page. The internal structure group discussed the possible duties of the coordinator and volunteers in terms of making the paper run more efficiently. More planning and input are still needed on all of the above issues to deter- mine how OITM will continue to function as a viable source of information to our con- stituents. An additional meeting has been scheduled for Saturday, March 10, 1990, at the Burlington Fletcher Free Library in the Pickering Room from 1-4:00 p.m. to work further on these ideas. Everyone is encour- aged to attend, even if you could not make it to the first meeting (we won’t even ask what your excuse was). Out in the Mountains needs to hear from you, our supporters, about how the paper can continue to serve the best inter- ests of Verrnont’s gay, lesbian, and bisex- ' ual population. Phoenix From the Flame Thanks also to those who continued to express faith in the paper and subscribed even when it looked like a year’s’subscrip- tion would amount to only one issue. Don’t worry - there are more on the way. Take note, all ye who have yet to subscribe, and send that form in with your check today. Finally, thanks to all of you taking the time right now to read these words. Even more thanks to those of you who took the time to let us read your words in articles and letters. Ifeep them coming, and we'll keep OIT M coming out to you. -rt‘-‘— -~.~w:«s«wxc-'-.«'....»..;~.«~ -.r-,-;,-y,, .. .... ......