Out in the Mountains VERMONT AREA RESOURCES « Organizations and Social Organizations VGV -Verrnont Gay Volleyball PO Box 248 NEOLACE- North East Queendom Lesbians Activitating Community Em- - - ' Hinesburg, VT 05461 1 Publlcahons and Businesses gecreational volleyball _tor all level %w8:rTt‘;$2||a women-5 center sfgega undaysl 6'8Pmr Tn Bumngton) Address BBTOW) . ' ' . . x _ 3§air'rrari7r"t3?ti'§t$rri§§n§§§§r'ii§§ Lebamgn. NH 03766 “"°'“’-""’°"‘°"°’"‘°""°°"‘ ".F“‘G'Pa'°"*sa"dF"e"ds°'Les- to the Governor fireggglgggon mans a"d Gays ,-7 Holl Perdue 229-0109 c°'°"_3 (030 W VT 05682 er r ‘ ». Keit Goslant 454-8552 20 Elliot Street °' °" P-°- 3°‘ 715 *1 BI-amebolro, VT ManCh9STeT, VT ACEU -Agterican Civil Liberties Union (3°2)254'3545 Health organizations 11 North 3‘ 43 tate treet ' Mom en ,’ VT 05502 CRONES - for women over 40 Rlmandr VT 05701 (eo2)‘223Te3o4 PO Box _242 Brattleboro AIDS Project (8°2i773'75°‘ VWHOOSKI. VT 05404 P.0. Box 2403 Burlington Women's Council 50003)! afl9"‘°°"5 WeStBra1l|eb0r0. VT 05301 3V°x‘,’:l" ?ss?:"'t CV3” Tm“ °f City Hall _ (so2)2544444 p 35 Bng 1"3"1 oumy’ 'n°' Burlington, VT o54o1 igtngf Books M-onipgjfer V? 05602 (802)658-9300 ext. 125 Bramebom-' VT 05301 Kingdom Aids Coalition Honing 22é_-"55 Ga and Lesbian Advocates and (3°2l254'3160 Ne ort, VT 05855 . De enders GLAD) (oiTi?e: 7 West Church ST. 3rd Floor "'“"'°"“ “’°"‘°" ‘ °°'“°' p_o_B°x 21 Gay and Lesbian Veterans in Ver- Hamwick, gt": '°h'°:tF)>9°i A‘)?- Boston, MA 02112 man! (302) 4725 1 862°, °53‘9 (617)426-1350 ‘A20 Orgy) ( T 5 Ier. North Star 4 Lambda Legal Defense gvholistic Health Care) gernmntcufiw Jewlsh A9°"da 666 Broadway Gag’ M903 ch°'“3 .0.Box 37 963': ' an New York, NY 1oo12-2317 2n ,& 4thSundavofeverymonth7i>m Hyde Park, VT05655 .°'9"5°” "'3 Christ Church Presb enan on Red- (9o2)333.2353 Bum" °"r VT 05401 Outright Vermont §t(<)>&r)i«eZ0ami(>!t3ig23I6Lé\5/}5136 0°?) 45595 uner - E$|‘iTi(g)t(oTt1,§T 05406 _ , V-extinl-cTrTt:VVomen's Health Center yams" Helplng Batmed w°m°" Meetings 2nd Wed of every month, Kwanlfia ' B'3°k- 03"V° Am9!'°30 336 North Ave. B‘ d: °x 1535 7:00pm 30 Elmwood Ave, Burl. and ‘W0 ‘"000 Cunuiair 9d"°3T'°"a' Burlington, VT 05401 U !"9?°"' VT 05402 and fesoufoe gfoup 386 HOTTIFIQ. 658-1996 National Association of Social P-O; 3°)‘ 533 W . lévorkers/Lesbian and Gay Issues BU”'"9‘°"- VT 05402 » Vermont C.A.R.E.S. - Committee for (w‘:&°)" ' |"f°mau°" s°M°° 0mm H99 AIDS R . Ed 1' dSe - 817 Pine Street, #207 M°n8df|°°k Area Womvn (MAW) ice mums "ca man W 53 ”“”°"°' 3‘- Burlington, VT 05401 E0 B°"£Ei4:3431 P.0. Box 5248 |('6°.§’:,':‘)"4“:'§'£J9|;g3766 Gene. B rl' , VT 05401 NEVGALR- North East Vermonters (603) 357-5757 (sli>2T'e'§e’:‘2437 . tor Clijaybanltli Lesllgians Rights Pearls (bar) lggmggxsggape Crisis Center c/o m re a, 1 rospect Ave. - : St Johnsbury' VT 05819 135 ‘Pearl Street BUTTIHQTOFI, VT 05402 (3o2)743-3545 Burlington, VT 05401 _ _ 0"l‘?9 (302) 35443555 (ao2)353.2343 CCL - Conference For Catholic Lesbi- Hotline (802) 863-1236 P d J - ans . . . 1§§°§°fi" ustlce center nuuand Wo n Tc gthgf For Lesbians of Catholic heritage and B,,,.rng,°e,,9eV§'[,‘§5e,{01 p 0 Box 323" 9 their friends. Write: CCL (302) 35333325 No. Clarendon, VT 05759 gig;e3i;>r)§u4n1">5Stafi°n Rainbow coamion of Vermont SAMS - Social Alternatives for Gay NGW York. NY 10024 15 Barre St. M9" . . Mompenen VT 05502 p_o, i_3ox 479 Integrity - Lesbians and Gay Episco- (gog) 229-0300 Norwich, VT05055 P303115 Tuesda s, 7.30pm 0P9" T0 3") Rutland County Lesbian and Gay (302) 55520 -O: B°X 126 Task Force Buriington_, VT 05402 p_o_ Box 325 UVMGLBA For more info call 864-7198 N_ C] d , VT 7 Universit of V t G Lesb' _ _ are" on 05 59 and 3154,31 A||Tan,:‘c°9n ay ‘an LUNA- Lesbians United, Never Apart léermfiéit Coalition of Lesbians & 3'1 “$4 't3"'|"9,5Tlég/2405 Vxgggfigfigliei ay n U ing on, P.O. Box 1125 (802)65€r0699 Montpelier, VT 05602 I-°3b'a"/G‘V AA VT. Cuirs-Vermont's Fraternity for PO; BOX 4295 leather, ievi & western BU_f1|n On. VT 05401 Contact Gilles 865-3941 -King 1. Youth Center Sundays at 1pm —MCHV Brown Pavillion, Rm 310 Tim} Thurs Bum