Out in the Mountains :04 Have you’? homeowne is insurance } rates ne thggugh 4 the roof. Compare Allstate rates. Ellen I-Ietherington 863-3808 /IIIstate® Allstate Insurance Company, Northbrook, IL 14 frompage 9 only temporarily. Beckwith’s narcissism provides both his own downfall and that of the book itself. It’s a story told with mirrors front and back, mirrors which reflect Beckwith’s own ver- sion of the ideal world (and possibly Hollinghurst’s own personal fantasy world as well) rather than the real world. AIDS has no place in such a world, destroying any credibility the book might have had as a comparison of British gay culture then versus British gay culture now. Even as a parody the book falls flat- it takes itself too seriously to envince the dryest chuckle. The Swimming Pml Library, though it aspires to be “great literature,” winds up being so self-obsessed as to become little more than a well-written sexual fantasy. It’s current paperback packaging even makes it look like highbrow literature. In actuality, The Swimming Pml Librag; represents the shallow end of literary possi- bility. You can swim as much as you like in its waters, but there’s no diving allowed. quakefrompage 13 1764, Santa Cruz, CA 95061. For further information call Wendy Chapkis - 408- 423-8980. Walter Zeichner M. A. Howard Russell M. A. Are Pleased to Offer 0 Therapy Group for Gay Men For information call: Walter: 863-5510 or Howard: 482-2434 Call To Help Lesbians and Gays in the Armed Forces Following the October 18 release of “Nonconforming Sexual Orientations and Military Suitability,” an internal Depart. ment of Defense (DoD) report (PERS- EREC) which openly criticizes the DoD policy of excluding and discharging gay men and lesbians from the Armed Forces, the Pentagon is extremely vulnerable to political pressure to rescind its homopho- bic and dangerous policy. The Gay and Lesbian Military Free- dom Project is calling on gay men and lesbians and their supporters to contact their congressional representatives. Your Senators and Representatives need to hear from constituents that the Pentagon must implement all recommen- dations of the PERSEREC report, authored by Theodore Sarbin and Kenneth Karols. The authors state, “Under prevailing social conditions, a public admission of homo- sexuality carries less stigma than is earlier times, and is no legal bar to most employment....Our studied conclusion is‘ that the military services will soon be asked ‘ by the courts or the Congress to reexamine their policies and practices regarding re- cruitrnent and retention of men and women ‘ whose sexual interests deviate from the‘ customary.” The PERSEREC report invites Con-‘ gressional intervention to drag the Penta-‘ gon kicking and screaming into the 1990’s. ‘ Urge your Congressional representatives‘ to work for rescission of the DoD policy of ‘ exclusion and discharge. This policy,‘ which declares that “homosexuality is in- compatible with military service,” was “ established in 1943 and has accounted for the early discharges-- many of them undera less than honorable conditions-- of 100,000 J‘ men and women. Additionally, a 1989,‘ Gallup poll indicated that 60% of respon-‘ dents believed that gay men and lesbians“ should be allowed to serve in the Armed " Forces. E!‘ For more information about the report ‘ contact the Gay and Lesbian Military Free-