January 1990 Ho|linghurt's Swimming Pool Library Th w" ' P L" r by Alan Hollinghurst Random House Publishing by Hugh Coyle There’s a saying in the publishing world that everyone is the business has an unfinished manuscript tucked away in the bottom drawer of the desk, and this may very well have been the case with Alan Hollinghurst’s The Swimming Peel Li- hgagy. His affiliation with the literary world through his position on the editorial staff of the Timee Literary Supplement might also explain the high praise and heavy publicity his book has been receiving. To be fair, it should be said at the outset that Hollinghurst’s novel is written with gem—cutter precision and a true feel for flair. The language is beautiful in the way that a well-solved math problem can be beautiful; it is technically correct with enough researched information to lend credence to the scheme of things. The prob- lem is that beneath this glossy veneer of technique, the story itself is not much more than a glorified homoerotic fantasy, no matter how high it aspirations. Told in the first person, The Swim- ming Peel Libragg concerns the exploits, sexual and (though rarely) otherwise, of one William Beckwith, a beautiful, popu- lar, healthy, athletic, intelligent, and rich young man with plenty of time on his hands T and plenty of men on his mind. Will is , descendant of Britain’s noble Beckwiths, . and thus enjoys high social stature as well . as unlimited funds. His favorite past-times V 7 include checking out the latest newcomers at the Corry Club, where he swims regu- . Iarly, and making love to his latest con- . quests, wherever and however possible. Lest the reader sense that such pro- . ceedings sound a trifle indulgent, . Hollinghurst introduces the elements of an . actual plot: Early on, our hero saves an . elderly man who suffers a coronary in a public lavatory. The victim of the attack, bord Charles Nantwich, is another regular at the Corry. After a series of rather dry encounters, Beckwith is engaged by Lord Nantwich to read through his old journals and ghost-write his memoirs. In this man- ner, Hollinghurst introduces an easy flip- flopping structure to his novel and switches between the exploits of the younger Char- 1%sNantwich as he heads off to the depths Of Africa and the more daring exploits of 1116 young Will Beckwith as he explores the L darker side of modem—day London. Though this may at first sound intrigu- ing and exciting, it is not, and we read Nantwich’s journals with the same sense of boredom that Will initially brings to them. To spice things up, there are other plot elements in the novel, but they are clearly subordinate. These subplots are hollow and disconnected. It’s as though the author couldn’tdecide what was mostimportantin his own book, and when he fmally chose, he went back to the manuscript and beefed up what he imagined would be the more liter- ary, more respectable plot line. Will Beckwith himself is made to seem respectable, despite his selfish appe- tite for sex. Hollinghurst engineers the res- cue of Lord Nantwich to win the readers over to Will’s side, and later in the book, Will leaves the set of a porn movie dis- gusted by what he has stumbled across. Such scenes are as subtle as cue cards in the book, instructing the reader in his or her judgements of the central characters. The problem is that the reader is often given contradictory messages. The ultimate manipulation occurs when Hollinghurst has Beckwith assaulted by a gang of skin- heads; it’s either a blatant play for sympa- thy or an attempt to remind us that the real world does exist and can be a dangerous place sometimes. The scene is as out of place as a rape in Aliee in Wonderland, but with little consequence: Will’s perfect good looks are damaged only slightly and (Continued on page 14) /Stephen & Burns Taft Corners Shopping Center Williston VT 05495 878-64 13 K hair and nail care -- cosmetics / (T7/buutazul/tea» DOG & CAT BOARDING OBEDIENCE CLASSES Fairfax, Vt ANIMAL INN “Your Best Friend's Home Away From Home" -Modern indoor-c-utdoor runs - Separate cat room -24 hour supervision by Iiscensed Animal Health Technician PROFESSIONAL ALL BREED DOG & CAT GROOMING -From Perfect Poodles to Marvelous Mutts -Consultations For Behavioral Problems DOG FOOD 8: PET SUPPLIES AVAILABLE Carol Skow& Claudia Cook member American Boarding Kennel: Auocution