BAP Appoints Coordinators (Reprinted from , published by BAP) The Brattleboro AIDS Project (BAP) has appointed three new program coordina- tors. These coordinators, Nancy Pike, Steve Fox, and Richard Vega will promote the service and educational goals of the 1 local volunteer agency. f As Direct Service Coordinator, Nancy §Pike is responsible for organizing support Igroups, both for people who have tested 3 positive for HIV and for relatives, partners, and friends of I-IIV-positive people. In addition, she coordinates the Buddy Sys- tem, a one-on—one support network for people with AIDS-related conditions and ,for their families and friends. She is also available to provide training on AIDS is- sues to other human service agencies. Nancy has an M.S. degree and has been a practicing psychotherapist is the Brattleboro area for many years. She is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology at Antioch College of ,New England. A Steve Fox is the new Education Coor- dinator at BAP. His duties involve assess- ing AIDS education needs and developing plans for meeting these needs in Windham !County. Specifically, he assesses risk re- duction methods and provides training, ‘both to individuals and human services lagencies, on implementing relevant pro- grams. Steve manages the AIDS Project’s extensive library of books, videotapes, and audiocassettes on HIV and AIDS subjects. He is also editor of the quarterly newsletter, []EDATE, which is distributed to over 2,500 subscribers statewide. Steve’s main goal is to educate people about the presence of AIDS in the local community and to reach high-risk groups, such as adolescents and IV-drug users. To respond to emergency needs, the BAP has instituted a Hotline. New Hotline Coordinator Richard Vega is responsible for scheduling Hotline volunteers and training them to respond to a wide variety of urgent situations. The Hotline provides information on safe sex, risk reduction, locating services, and obtaining confiden- tial HIV testing. Initially the Hotline will be staffed from 7-9 pm on weekdays and by volunteer homes on weekends, and will have a message giving volunteers home phone numbers at other times. Richard was employed for more than 13 years at the Brattleboro Retreat in geri- alric patient care and patient accounting. He has worked as a Buddy with AIDS patients and their families. In his new position, he will be working to promote the visibility of the Hotline and to-coordinate its efforts with other Hotlines in the area. The BAP office telephone number is (802) 254-4444. In the near future, a new office number will be added. The AIDS Project maintains strict confidentiality in all its activities and protects the privacy of the people it serves. January 1990 Forconfidenflal AIDS Information Call 1-800-882-AIDS German, and Spanish. Specializing in Music Theory and Piano Techniques. Q. Tutor Available for Private Lessons Help with grammar and conversation in French, Q‘ -Tm ./fiasonable rates and convenient scheguling. 8 :00 pm -/* Ca|l'Gi||es at 865-3941 3° E'"“’."°°d Ave’ ,\_ J‘ .\_ Burlington (Above VT CARES) Insurance No Charge for D Accepted Phone Consultation U David M. Ross, ACSW PhD Certified Clinical Social Worker Individual, Couples & Group Therapy Psychotherapy B I?/QIX 01554743 96 SBo(:i|i:nUl:%:1sSetreet (802) 862-3101 ns 0 , Burlin t ,Vt. 05401 802/453-4960 Ma r 105 Hill St., Barre, vz. 05641 (802) 479-2115 Join OITM ! Come to our Next Meeting Monday, Jan. 8 th