Out in the Mountains (fiompage 7) aging process, if all women were not handi- capped by the fears of aging, partner expec- tation and the extolling of youth, there would be many more reports of unchanged or better sex and deeper relationships in the later years of life. The authors would like to acknowl- edge the Burlington Crones, get in tl_ie Meunteins, Verment flemag, Qff Qnr Backs 0' r E 1 Tim Community News for their contributions to the study. Ellen Cole is currently at Prescott College in Prescott, Arizona on sabbatical from Goddard College. EstherRothblum is on the faculty at the Department of Psy—_ chology at the University of Vermont. They have edited a book entitled Leving Bgldly; I ggges F aging Lesbians, Harrington Park Press, New York, 1989. Workshop: Women Loving Women Exploring Love and Relationship Deanna Alpert - CCSW Pathways 323 Pearl Street Burlington, VT 05401 Insurance 8620336 Benefits Accepted Dina Afek, M.A. - Life and Career Crises - Infertility ' Gay and Lesbian positive Individuals, Couples, Groups ' Burlington 864-5595 Green Mountain Counseling Associates in Feminist Therapy Carol E. Cohen, M.S.W. ' Substance Abuse and Co-dependency - Troubled relationships Sliding Fee Graphitti Graphics Debute Graphitti Graphics has released a new line of safe sex greeting cards, this fall. The ‘iMMACULATE CONTRACEPTiON’ cards, come in four styles: Condom Mi- randa, after the Latin American entertainer; Fonner U.S. President, John F. Konndom; the crime fighting duo Wrapman and Rub- ber; and an upscale couple Puttin’ on the Ritz. The all occasion cards carry a humor- ous message and include a usable latex con- dom. Owners Phil and Tracy Metayer, so- cially conscious native Vermonters, de- signed the cards as a fun way to get a serious message across. A portion of the money from the sale of the cards will be donated for AIDS education and research. Graphitti Graphics, located at 161 Main St., Burlington, is a new business, which creates and designs cartoons and graphic illustrations for everything from its new line of cards to free lance work for businesses and individuals. Commentary (from page 11) Although I’ve spent hundreds of hours interviewing gay men and the women who love them, I know of only one thing upon which all agree: Whether you remain to- gether in aromantic relationship or develop a lifelong friendship, communicating with a consistent mixture of truthfulness and genuine regard yields the best possible results for both parties. Coming from a loving heart--one that is open to all avail- able options--works wonders. It’s that easy...and that difficult. (K.K. Wilder has been working on a book tentatively titled NQT SQ GAY; . At his point. she is particularly interested in couples who have found a way to stay together. If you would like to share your story, please contact her at 17 N. Champlain #3 , Burlington, VT05401, Tel. 802-658-0448. Confidentiality is assured.) OUTRIGHT Wish us? We need the basics, so if you have done any Fall cleaning and come across anything resembling an item listed below, please contact us. Bill at 482-3528 or Josie at 545-2168. Thanks for your support! If you have any other ideas or wish to help in any way, please let us know. Our mailing address is P.O. Box 4175, Burlington, VT 05406-4175. WISH LIST Desk and chair, filing cabinets, book shelves, telephone, answering machine, floor pillows, general office supplies, bul- letin boards, electric typewriter, computer, lamps, folders, VCR/'I'V and stand, pencil sharpener, vacuum cleaner, plants, hole punch (l- and 3-hole), radio/cassette player, easel and markers, newsprint, cop- ier, folding chairs, stapler, tapes (blank). Parents of Gays and Lesbians Honored “When gay children come out of the closet, they often pass their parents going in.” That is the way Paulette Goodman, an honoree at the armual Human Rights Cam- paign Fund dinner, often describes the need for the organization she heads. Mrs. Goodman is president of Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, or Par- ents FLAG, an international family support and education group. She will accept an award on behalf of Parents FLAG for the major contribution the organization has made to the cause of lesbian and gay civil rights. “When parents learn the correct facts about homosexuality,” she says, “they have no choice but to be accepting and suppor- tive of their gay children.” Parents FLAG now has more than 200 ; chapters and contacts throughout the U.S., (, Canada, Europe and Australia. It can be contacted at PO Box 27605, Washington, , D.C. 20038 or (202)638-4200. ' 14 PEACE on EARTH STORE 1 I Gifts for Friends Who Care About The Fate of the Earth Rainforest Crunch, more... [ 863-8326 I Books, Games, Clothing. Nicaraguan Coffee, 186 College Street (upstairs) 863-8326 M-F 10-5; SAT 1-5 [