Massach U SettS(from page 1) give a boost to the fight for federal gay rights legislation. In the Congress, H.R. 655, filed January 24, 1989, would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Fair Housing Act to prohibit discrimination based on sexual and affectional preference. The bill has nine sponsors in the Senateand 61 co-sponsors in the House. “Gay civil rights is perhaps the last frontier of the great civil rights struggles of he twentieth century,” continued LaFon- tine of the Coalition. “A community that its been silent and invisible is rapidly Iansforming itself into a surging political ‘me. The dream we’ve realized here in Vlassachusetts may be echoed in state after late in the very near future.” [Editor's note: Massachusetts Gover- wr, Michael Dukakis signed the gay civil ights bill into law on Wednesday, Novem- tr 15th. Since that time there has been a tmservative eflort to place a referendum in the next election ballot to repeal the ACT llP/LA Targets Prudential Insurance Company ACT UP/LA (AIDS Coaliton to Un- leash Power/Los Angeles) is participating in a nation-wide effort to demand that the insurance industry end discriminatory practices and provide full health care cov- erage for the insured. They would like to hear from individuals who have experi- enced any AIDS or I-llV—related problems with insurance companies and are particu- larly interestd in hearing from Prudential Insurance Company policyholders. Difficulties that have been reported include: exorbitant premium increases; refusal to pay for prescribed treatments; declaring all I-IIV-related claims as ineli- gable for coverage, claiming that HIV is a “pre-existing condition.” All replies will be held in strictest con- fidence, although individuals may be asked to speak out publicly against the abuses of the insurance industry. Please write to ACT UP/LA Insurance Committee, PO Box 26601, Los Angeles, CA 90026 or call Richard (213)838-3260, lake (213)851- 2492 or Neil (213)650-7590. L Distinction Come Celebrate with Us during Our New 320 Elliot Street Brattleboro, Vermont Downstairs in the old church L L Year's Bash! (802) 254-8646 Nightclub December 1989 VIDEO AGAINST AIDS Downstairs Video has just received a new 3-video series entitled VIDEO AGAINST ADDS. Distributed by Video Data Batik of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, the series consists of twenty- two individual pieces. These pieces are united in their passion to combat ignorance and to tolerate no opposition in the battle for an AIDS cure. VIDEO AGAINST AIDS is not a work one would see on mainstream televi- sion. The pieces range from lyrical and upbeat music-videos to reflective memori- als of those who've died from AIDS. VIDEO AGAINST AIDS is available for rental from Downstairs Video and ar- rangements may be made for rental by mail for those who live at a distance. For more information, contact Downstairs Video at 26 Main St., Montpelier, VT 05602 or call A of