Out in the Mountains Join The Fight Suppon The Vermont Coalition of Lesbians and Gay Men in their work to pass legislation guaranteeing equal rights to Lesbians and Gay men in Ver- mont and insuring protection for People With AIDS and HlV+ persons. Contribute to our cause and add your name to our mailing list. We need your help. D Yes, I want to be a part of making Vermont safer for Gays and Lesbians. Add my name to your mailing list [jAccept my contribution of to help with expenses and general coalition building efforts. See Address on VT Resources Page Name Address Phone THANK YOU! Sexuality is “Normal and Good” Society should acknowledge sexuality as normal rather than deny it as we have been doing for centuries, said Dr. Sylvia S. Hacker, Associate Professor at the Univer- sity of Michigan School of Public Health, when addressing the 8th International Convention of the Federation of Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) recently. While some other countries are trying to wipe out teenage pregnancy, she said, “in this country we are trying to wipe out teen- age sexuality.” Indeed, she noted, telling a tumed-on teenager to “just say no” is “like telling a psychotic depressive to ‘have a nice day’.” If we are to end misconceptions about sexuality, including homosexuality, Dr. Hacker said, we should acknowledge that sexuality is “normal and good,” and that it is far more than intercourse. The Federation of Parents FLAG was incorporated in 1982 and has as its main objective offering support to parents, fami- lies, and friends of gay men and lesbians, and educating its members and others about issues related to homosexuality. For more information on Parents FLAG, contact Parents FLAG, PO Box 27605, Washington, D.C. 20038; (202) 638-4200. Readers who wish to receive materials should send a 45-cent stamped, self-addressed envelope and enclose $1 for handling costs to Parents FLAG, PO Box 20308, Denver, CO 80220. NGLTF Calls for Implementation of New Military Report “I Want You,” the old Uncle Sam military recruiting slogan, may one day include gays and lesbians if a recently sur- faced, pro-gay military report is any indica- tron. A new report ordered by the Depart- ment of Defense (DoD) concludes that the American military should reexamine its homophobic policy and consider ending anti-gay and lesbian discrimination. The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) has called for the immediate implementation of the report to stem the rising tide of court martials and unfair dis. charges. Citing changes in American society’s acceptance of homosexuals, the report states the Government will most likely be forced to reexamine its anti-gay policies. But the Pentagon has since rejectedthe report, calling it wasteful, flawed, offen- sive and exceeding its mandate. HHS Chief Sides With Dannemeyer on Gay Youth Suicide Report Dr. Louis Sullivan, Secretary of the I Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), has sided with the anti-gay forces of Rep. William Dannemeyer on the recently released HHS Youth Suicide Report, say- ing portions of the report dealing with gay youth run “contrary” to the aim of “advanc- ing traditional family values.” The response from Sullivan stunned gay rights activists who say the study has been widely praised for it fair and factual analysis of the growing problem of youth suicide, especially gay and lesbian suicide. The l 10-page, pathfinding report ana- lyzes and makes recommendations for stemming the increasing rate of teen sui- cides in the U.S. The study has a sizeable section on gay and lesbian suicide, report- ing that “gay youth face a hostile and con- demning environment, verbal and physical abuse, and rejection and isolation from families and peers.” “I am strongly committed to advanc- ing traditional family values,” says Sulli- van. “Federal policies must be crafted with great care so as to strengthen rather than undermine the institution of the family. In my opinion, the views expressed in the paper run contrary to that aim.” In a sharply worded letter to Sullivan, ' and copied to major national media along with President Bush, National Gay and $5113 (U.S.S) GOLDEN THREADS a contact publication for lesbians over 50 and women who love older women. Canada and U.S. Confidential, worm. reli- able. For free information send seIf-od- dressed envelope; (U.S. residents pleose stomp rt). Somple copy moiled discreetly. P.O. Box 3177, Burlington, VT 05401 J