Letters from page 2 open to helping out in simple ways if that is jrealistic. I will also enclose a subscription lorder. Sorry, but for now I need to pay a ‘low—Income price. I will send more when I can work again. Thanks for all you are doing. It makesa difference. Sincerely, A Subscriber ‘Dear Editor In the September issue of OITM, the editorial listing the papers needs failed to include our primary need. Money! OITM is currently operating ata loss. As anyone will realize the paper will not exist much longer without a major transfusion of cash. Cur- tently, assuming our income remains con- stant, OITM will be able to publish for 3 maybe 4 months. Our income comes from 3 sources. They are subscriptions, ads, and donations. Our major expenses are postage, printing and rent. For the period Jan. 1 - Oct. 31, ‘I989 OITM’s income statement is as fol- lows. Beginning cash balance: 1/1/89 $3430.16 Income: Subscriptions $1943.00 Ads 752.50 Donations ,93_1,QQ Total income $3626.50 Expenses: Advertising 100.00 Printing 3766.84 Postage 1 127.43 Rent 630.00 PO Box 39.00 Office 253,111 Total Expense 5916.69 Net profit/(loss) (2290.19) >EsKroP PUBLISHING srumo VPE & DESIGN/WORKSHOPS/SELF-SERVICE Ending Cash Balance: 10/31/89 $1139.97 Average income per issue $453.31 Average cost per issue $649.43 Net Loss per issue ($196.12) OITM in order to continue to operate needs to break-even. OITM NEEDS ITS READERS’ HELP . We need your subscriptions, we need your donations. If you live in an area where you pick up OITM in a store, send us the cost of a subscription as a donation. We need our advertisers, our advertisers need you.'I‘l1ink of them when you have need of a service they have to offer. Tell them you value OITM and their support of the paper. Be sure to let them know it’s their ad in OITM that brought you to their business. Sincerely, The Treasurer of OITM Walter Zeichner M. A. Howard Russell M. A. Are Pleased to Offer 0 Therapy Group for Gay Men For information call: Walter: 863-5510 or Howard: 482-2434 863-1884 187 ST PA UL STREET . //I Have your homeowne .~ insurance I rates gone through the roof ‘Z1 1 Compare Allstate rates. Ellen I-Ietherington 863-3808 Allstate Allstate Insurance Company, Nonhbrook IL