Out in the Mountains , <<§§ti?;¥>.*§?&:°t$i.”s“»“s‘?2°S‘~s’:%‘-’.i=ts ‘ ii special events 7V W.O.W. Games, slides, and a fun evening planned at 5 p.m. in Lower Cabot. -3' 77 Election Day! 1 iv Spiritual Journeys as Lesbian and Gay Christians. Delmar, NY. 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (see below) 7 Bus to NOW's March on Washington from White River Junction. Contact Burlington Women's Council for details. 127 W.O.W. Dikes Hike Hunger Mountain. Call for details.-' V N.O.W. March on Washingtonll V AIDS Liturgy with guest preacher John E. Fortunato. Albany, NY. 6 p.m. (see below) 13V Human Rights Commission Public hearing on "Hate Crlmes". Unitarian Church (parlor) at the top of Church St. Burlington. 7 p.m. 17V W.O.W. Planning Session and videos. 7 p.m. rar 187 "A Night of Some Women's Culture". 6-11 p.m. Burlington City Hail. To benefit HOWL Women'sd Collective. Women singing, dancing, storytelling. $5- 15. Call 862-2026 or 434-6033 for info. 197 W.O.W. Pre-Thanksgiving Food Fest. Brunch at Worcester. Call for details. -I V Thanksgiving Celebration at Grace and Holy inno- cents Church in Albany, NY. Liturgy at 6p.m. followed by dinner. For info - (518)436-8546. 23V Thanksgiving 29V W.O.W. Video Night! "Entre Nous‘ in Williamstown. 6:30 p.m. it At A Glance Ongoing Notheast Kingdom AIDS Support Group 7 p.m. Open to anyone who is HIV positive as well as their famnily members, friends or significant others. Meetings are held privately in Hard- wick. They are informal and anonymity is respected by all. For more info call Ken or Ed at (802)472-6583. Bisexual/Lesbian Women's Group forming. Carnbridgel Johnson area. On Thursday eves. Call Marcia 644-8331 for info. Gay Mens Chorus. 2nd & 4th Sundays of every Month, 7 pm at Christ Church Presbyterian on Redstone Campus at UVM. Contact: Bob Zuner (802)658-5136 Evangelicals Concerned. For gay and lesbian Christians and their friends. Vermont Contact: Miki Thomas, c/o Cooperative Christian Ministry, Christ Churchh Presbyterian, Redstone Carn- pus, UVM, Burlington, VT 05405 or call (802)656-3882. November 10-12th Bethesda, MD National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Conference. For info contact NGLTF (see resources page) or "G.E.T. Planning Services”, 1227 25th StNW #590, Washington D.C. 20037 or call 1-800-228-0861. 11 Delmar, NY Spiritual Journeys as Lesbian and Gay Christians - a day with John Fortunate at the First Methodist Church, 428 Kenwood Ave. Mr. Fortunato, author of "Embracing the Exile : Healing Journeys of Gay Cristians" and "AIDS, the Spiritual Dilemma", will give three presentations with sharing and 12 organizational meetings 3V Amella's Membership Meeting 6p.m. in Norwich. Free pizza and soda while planning winter activities. For info call (802)649-5297. 8' 7V OITM Article Deadline for November Issue. Send your submissions to OITM, Box 177, Burl. VT, 05402. at 97 Northeast Kingdom AIDS Support Group. 7 p,m_ 5 Hardwick. (see below) 107 OITM Editing/General Meeting to planJanuary's issue. 7:30 p.m. in our new office - 30 Elmwood Ave., Bur|.(above VT. CARES) -1' 10-12V National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Conference. (see below) 117 Vermont Women's Conference 1989. 8:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Vt. Law School - South Floyalton, VT. (see below) ‘ V Vermont Culrs Meeting - fraternity for leather, levi, and western. Cali Gilles at 865-3941 for more info. (see below)-I 18V OITM Galleys being poured 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Come learn desktop publishing! Call 865-9759 eves for details. TBAV OITM Layout. 10 a.m. - 4 pm. Experience OITM being put together! Call 865-9759 for info. I? [@599 Vermont Area Resources back page quietbreaks in between. Lunch willbe served. Cost: $2 (suggested). For info: write "Grace and Holy Innocents Church", 498 Clinton Ave., Albany, NY 12206. 11 South Royalton VT Vermont Women's Conference 1989 : the Women's Liberation Movement - Where are we? What do we want? How do we regroup for the next step? Theater, large and small group discussions on many topics affecting women. All women welcome. Cost: $6 Bring lunch and dinner. For info call 862-4175,223-1275, or 436 2110. 11 Burlington. Vermont Cuirs Meeting. This meeting is important for gay men interested in leather, levi, and western. We will be meeting with representatives from Trident International coordinating incorporation of the Vermont group into international organization. For info, call Gilles at865-3941. l 12 Albany, NY Annual AIDS Liturgy... in memory _of persons who have died due to AIDS, and for persons living with _} AIDS, ARC, and who are HIV+. 6 p.m. at Grace and Holy Innocents 1 Church on the comer of Clinton Ave. and Robin St. A social Will 1 follow. For info: write "Grace and Holy Innocents Church". 493 1” Clinton Ave, Albany, NY 12206. 4: 1 OITM stuffing envelopes. Help us get our subscriptions mailed!8 p.m. at our new office 30 Elmwood Ave, Burlington- 44: IE December E H H _