ti Learning (from page 1; l I have not been in a committed mo- (, nogamous relationship since 1982. I’ve lbeen too scared. Being non-monogamous , has allowed me to love, but not too much. 7It’s allowed me to explore my sexual self lwithout making myself too emotionally l vulnerable. I didn’t have a lot of expecta- rlions. I didn’t allow a lot of expectations ifrom my lovers. I kept that tender place 'within my heart well protected. , I’ve learned a multitude of lessons over the years. I’ve learned that I am an lincest survivor. Consequently a lot of my i insecurities, fears and fucked-up behaviors {stem from past traumas, and don’t neces- lsarily have anything to do with what’s I happening now. I have got to be careful not ‘lo respond to current situations based on ,left over shit from the past. ‘ I’ve learned not to “act out” when I’m feeling jealous. I acknowledge my jealousy and deal with it myself unless I need to talk labout it. I’ve learned that honesty and trust ‘go hand in hand. If I don’t trust someone enough to truthfully share my feelings with rlhem, then the deep bond of friendship/ ‘lovership will not form. I’ve learned to allow myself to be scared and to take re- ‘sponsibility for my actions when I make mistakes. I’ve learned that one woman will never satisfy all of my needs. It’s unfair to have this expectation of anyone. Friends are just as important to my life as lovers are. I’ve learned that the direction of a relationship cannot be figured out in my lead. Everything we put enery into gives us something back, but it may not be exactly what we wanted. I may not always get what lwant but I usually get what I need even if ldon’t realize it until after the fact. I’ve learned to give and accept love completely, removing the protective shield from my heart. I only protect my heart from people I tense are out of balance with themselves. If shedoesn’t love herself, she certainly is not gonna be able to love me positively. I’ve learned that I’m ready to work towards being in a monogamous relationship. - I So this is where I’m at in my thirty- ; "lid year. I’ll probably be in a different 1 llace, with diffent * lessons learned, ten , iears from now. That’s the joy of getting llder. Learning, growing and changing. As ling as I continue to be myself, trust my- ilf, love myself, I can’t and won’t go ir0ng_ Burlington's Best Collection of Progressive Books 8: Magazines Special Friday evening events (music, poetry readings...) Maverick Books 209 College St. 2nd floor (next to City Market) 658-2523 Hours: Mon-Sat. l2pm-6pm open till 8 pm on Friday ospecial ordering of any books- free of charge New and recycled books o Extensive selection of alternative periodicals & Center L (Stephen Burns Taft Corners Shopping Williston VT 05495 878-64 13 hair and nail care —- cosmetics <67?/Iouutaml/tea» ANIMAL INN ‘Your Best Friend‘ s Home Away From Home" DOG 8: CAT BOARDING -Modern indoor-outdoor runs 0 Separate cat room -24 hour supervision by liscensed Animal Health Technician ” PROFESSIONAL ALL BREED DOG & CAT GROOMING -From Perfect Poodles to Marvelous Mutts OBEDIENCE CLASSES -Consultations For Behavioral Problems DOG FOOD 8: PET SUPPLIES AVAILABLE Carol Skow& Claudia Cook . Fairfax, Vt member IBIQ MI-nncan Boarding KOMIOII Auociuiun -