(frompage 1) me reason for the separation. What I had so greatly feared became one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. My son « said, “Dad, I am so glad you are not ashamed to be gay”. Later my daughter was \ to say how glad she was thatl had gotten the kheavy burden off my shoulders and wrote “I love you Dad, and I do not care who your Iare, what you do, who your friends are, I will always love you dearly”. l After telling my children, I realized that I no longer cared who in the whole world knew thatl was gay. So marching the 'Gay Pride Parade was my final step in lcelebrating the inner and outer freedom to Jbe me, a person with homosexual prefer- ences. l While it is not practical or wise for imany gays to come out completely, it would be great if each gay could first of all I lexperience inner freedom and no longer - < _ not tell in places where it would be foolish ) i have to hide a dark secret and then simply Ho do so. There is a tremendous emotional and psychological difference in “not tell- ing” and keeping “a closely guarded se- . ,cret”. The journey to this point has been very lpainful and I experience pain as I continue Logrow and seek deeper relationships with ilriends. But as Gibran reminds us, joy and sorrow go together and I would agree and llestify that the joy is worth the pain! The freedom of coming out is beauti- full I [I was diagnosed as having full-blown ‘AIDS two years ago. How grateful I am that lhad moved to Burlington. I am enjoying [Living with AIDS” in the midst of beauti- lul Vermont and many beautiful people!] November 1989 @>I=A|RNEss F Immigration reform. Defeat of bigoted laws denying human dignity and equal justice to lesbians and gay men. It isn’t too much to ask. But far-right zealots have flooded Congress with anti-gay mail and we lose too often. You can change this. airness. That’s all we’re asking for. Protection from unfair discrimination in jobs and housing. An end to anti-gay violence. FIGHT BACK FOR FAIRNESS. CALL 1-800-257-4900 Send Congress a message. Ask for Operator 9188. Choose a prepared mailgram. Only $4.50 each, charged to your telephone. If you don’t know who your legislator is, the operator does. CALL NOW! The Speak Out mailgram campaign is sponsored by the Human Rights Campaign Fund. For further info, Contact the Field Division, HRCF. PO. Box 1396, Washington. D.C. 20013 or call (202) 628-4160. DESKTOP PUBLISHING STUDIO ; TYPE 8: DESIGN/WORKSHOPS/SELF-SERVICE Workshop: Women Loving Women Exploring Love and Relationship Deanna Alpert 0 CCSW Pathways 323 Pearl Street Blurlington, VT 05401 Insuran 4 862-0836 Benefi: 187 ST PAUL STREET Accepted