News from page 5 Suicide cost $45 and can be obtained from me superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. If you are interested in becoming in- volved in work with lesbian, gay and bisex- ual youth in Vermont, contact Outright Vermont, P.O. Box 4175, Burlington, VT 05406 or come to our monthly meetings l (2ndWednesday of every month at6:30 pm V atouroffice upstairs over VermontCARES at 30 Elmwood Ave.) Gay/Lesbian Ads Blanket Maine: Fif- leen Papers Refuse During the week of June 1, 1989, thirty-two Maine newspapers carried ads from , a gay/lesbian newspaper, offering subscription information and a ilree sample. Fifteen papers, including the ganggr ]Dgily News and the , refused lie pre-paid ads and returned them to m; Em without explanation. Despite refusals from the newspapers, Quggm received over 300 individual requests for subscription information. l l l l l l J ('30 Elliot Street Brattleboro, Vermont ha. RICH JONES 652 72ND STREET THE HONORABLE UNITED STATES SENATE WASHINGTON, DC 20510 SENATOR URGE SUPPORT OF S.419, TEE HATE-CRIMES-STATISTICS ACT. VIOLENCE BASED ON PREJUDICE MUST STOP. AND URGE OPPOSITION TO ANY ATTEMPT TO DELETE "SEXUAL ORIENTATION" AS WELL AS HELMS-SPONSORED AMENDMENT UNDERCUTTING BILL'S INTENT AND EXPLOITING BIGOTRY. PLEASE LET ME KNOW YOUR POSITION. RICH JONES Example of HRCF Congressional Mailgram (See Article on Page 8) lwstairs in the old church Dancing , New D.J.-Wednes Bernie Hartnett- on Board Thursday, Friday & Saturday A Nightclub of if Distinction Ni htl ays- ichae Dear (802) 254-8646 13 October 1989