Coming out l About Lesbian Battering by Carla I October is National Domestic Vio- lence Awareness month. National Coming Out Day is also in October, and the coinci- dence is appropriate. As Lesbians take the ) next step in coming out, one area deserving of consideration is battering. Many people t:ry to ignore or minimize » me existence of battering in the lesbian community. Women want to believe that battering is solely a heterosexual phenome- non. It's not. Nearly everyone knows of lesbian couples in which one or both part- ‘ ners engage in abusive behaviors. It doesn ’t i help anyone to turn away, pretend battering doesn’t happen, or hope that abuse will go away. Let’ s support one another to increase awareness of and to educate ourselves about lesbian battering. , Battering occurs in all types of rela- . llionships, at all social and economic levels, and in all areas of Vermont. Battering can be physical- Hitting, pushing, pulling hair, throwing things, nprng. ) \ Battering can be emotiona1- Distanc- lng, making her think she’s crazy, with- holding attention or affection or informa- ‘lion, threatening to leave or to disclose her llesbianism or to harm her physically. If you are being abused or suspect you’re being abused, you are not alone, and 3 here is help available. Women Helping in llatteredwomen is committed to providing W services to battered lesbians in Vermont. ll 6 ll re r. —. here is currently shelter, advocacy, and ll-hour confidential hotline support avail- able. A lesbian support group is forming her this fall in Burlington. There’s no excuse for abuse. This Uctober, help bring lesbian battering out of me 'lecloset. ,1-1. tof DS March for Housing Now! ,of Vermont Housing Now is organizing hie lllnsportation for the national march in Washington, D.C. on October 7. If you’re lllerested in joining people from all over ‘llecountry who will be trying to change ."an- lillonal policies on housing and to deal anti :1}! the crisis of homelessness, come join I0 - ighl Transportation will cost approxi- I10‘ WY $35 roundtrip. Scholarships pos- Ni’ lb1°- Barrier free buses available. Call aird, ,1 -7402 immediately for reservations or ll! more information. Call for Submissions Submissions sought for a book on les- bians responding to AIDS, focusing on the experiences of lesbian carepartners and those who have lost close friends and/or family members. Essays: 1) Should not exceed 5000 words 2) Will be edited for grammar 3) Should focus on emotional proc- esses (love, anger, sadness, fear, survivor guilt, etc.), day-to-day concrete experi- ences, and interactions with others close to the PWA. For more information, or to submit a manuscript, please write: Book Project, 1414 17th St, N.W., #802, Washington, D.C. 20036. October 1989 HRCF Needs Canvassers The Human Rights Campaign Fund (HRCF)-- the largest national lesbian and gay political organization-- is looking for assertive people to sign up individuals around the country for the HRCF Speak Out mailgram campaign. Speak Out is an unprecedented pro- gram that is generating thousands of hard- hitting, timely Western Union mailgrams to the U.S. Congress on gay or AIDS- related legislation. Canvassers visit community events, lesbian and gay gathering places and make calls to sign up people for the Speak Out program. Canvassers are paid, and can easily make $10-20 an hour. Interested individuals should contact: HRCF, Canvassing Unit, P.O. Box 1723, Washington, D.C. 20013, or call (202)628- 4160. rstephen & Burns Taft Corners Shopping Center Williston VT 05495 878-6413 K hair and nail care —— cosmetics ¢lWlouutamV'eu» DOG & CAT BOARDING OBEDIENCE CLASSES ANIMAL INN “Your Best Friend‘ 5 Home Away From Home" -Modern indoor—outdoor runs - Separate cat room -24 hour supervision by liscensed Animal Health Technician PROFESSIONAL ALL BREED DOG & CAT GROOMING -From Perfect Poodles to Marvelous Mutts -Consultations For Behavioral Problems not; root) & PET SUPPLIES AVAILABLE Carol Skow& Claudia Cook ‘ Fairfax, Vt member American Boarding Kennels Association T _