AIDS and HIV Related Research The National Institutes of Health has provided national and intema- tional leadership in the fight against AIDS. Much of this effort depends on the ability of NIH to recruit patients infected with HIV and other volunteers for inpatient and out- patient studies of new drugs and vaccines. i In order to recruit subjects, it is vitally l important that infomiation be available to V the community. Following is an updated list of studies i for which the NIH is currently recruiting. Of special urgency are studies involving AZT and interferon which have both been - intlie news recently because of remarkable new developments. Much more needs to be learned about how to use them, however, and how to use potentially less toxic alter- natives such as AZDU. Please be aware that after the initial screening visit, travel costs and medical care associated with these studies are free. HIV Infection - Patients with HIV infection and at least 200 CD4/mm3 are sought for a phase I trial of alpha interferon in combination with interleukin-2. Con- tact; Dianne Lee, RN (301)496-7196. 'flT(13Lerf§;Qi; 3 Arm S];iig1y- AZT vs. V J AZT + Alpha interferon vs. Alpha inter- 1 leron- This 3-arm, randomized, unblinded 3 study seeks HIV-infected persons with a l \ CD4 count of at least 500/mm3 for a study comparing the efficacy of each of the 3 treatments. Contact: Victoria Davey, RN ‘ (301)496-7196. &Z'_IZIL2- Patients with HIV infection and atleast 200 CD4 cells/mm3 are sought for aphase I trial of AZT in combination with interleukin-2. Contact: Dianne Lee, RN (301)496-7196. ‘QM-CSE[AZT(Alpha Interferon-This HIV infected persons with CD4 Counts of 200-500/mm3. Contact Victoria Davey, RN (301)496-7196 gag For the first human trials of 3’Azido-2',3'—dideoxyuridine (AzdU), patients with CD4 counts between 200 and 400/mm3 are sought. Contact: Dianne Lee, RN (301)496-7196. -His phase I trial de- signed to obtain toxicity and preliminary data of AS-101 and AZT seeks HIV-in- fected persons able to tolerate AZT (or have no prior exposure to it) and with CD4 counts of <200/mm3 or <20% lympho- cytes. Contact: Debbie Ogata-Arakaki, RN (301)496-9565. Brgnghgsggpy Stiigy-This is a diagnostic study to evaluate the lung tissue and pul- monary status of persons who are HIV infected. Contact: Debbie Ogata-Arakaki, RN (301)496-9565. Normal Volunteers - This is a phase I trial of an AIDS vaccine, recombinant HIV-enve- lope protein (gp 160). We are seeking healthy men who are HIV antibody nega- tive to participate in this study. Contact: Margaret Easter, RN (301)496-7196. Pneumocystis Pneumonia Pirigexim-This is a study designed to evaluate the toxicity and efficacy of oral piritrexiin and leucovorin for therapy of PCP untreated for the current episode. Contact: Donna O’Neill, RN (301)496- 9565. fl ;P Prgphylagis This is a phase I/II study designed to evaluate the toxicity and toler- ance of weekly dapsone or dapsone/pyri- metharnine in HIV-infected persons with prior history of PCP or who have less than October 1989 Forconfidenflal AIDS J Information Call 1-800-882-AIDS Join OITM ! Come to our Open House Friday, Oct 6th 250/mm3 CD4 cells. Contact: Debbie 7330-930 pm Study is designed to evaluate the safety, Ogata-Arakaki,RN (301)496-9565. 30 Elmwood Ave, toxicity and efficacy of giving granulocyte- (Continued 0" Page 3) Bu ,1; ngton macrophage colon stimulating factor in combination with AZT and Interferon in (Above VT CARES) ,J lnsurance No Charge for l Accepted Phone Consultation BARBARA Du B David M. Ross, ACSW phD Certified Clinical Social Worker [ Individual, Couples & Group Therapy ‘ Psychotherapy Deeply Respectful Boll H A Box 157 96 SoutlainUni(